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Coconino National Forest  



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Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


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Peaks Ranger District Information

The Elden Pueblo
Archaeological Project
2009 Programs


The Elden Pueblo Project is a cooperative endeavor between the Coconino National Forest, the Arizona Natural History Association, and the Arizona Archaeological Society to provide educational opportunities in archaeology.  Elden Pueblo is a 60-80 room pueblo of the prehistoric Sinagua culture and a Hopi ancestral site.  The site of Elden Pueblo is open to the public and is located one mile north of the Flagstaff Mall on U.S. Highway 89.  The following archaeological programs provide hands-on mapping, excavation, laboratory, and analytical experiences for participants under professional supervision.  Through these personal experiences, participants are made aware of archaeological concepts, values, laws and practices.  Join us in our quest to learn about past and present Pueblo cultures by investigating the clues people left behind.




Public Field Days

DATES:   May 2, 2009 [x] May 31, 2009 [x] June 21, 2009 [x] July 18, 2009 [x] August 23, 2009       
TIME:     10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Come learn about archaeology through hands-on experience!  Bring water, sunscreen, hat, jacket, and lunch.  An adult must accompany children between the ages of 8 and 16. Tours at 10 a.m, noon & 2 p.m. No Fee. Field days are designed for families and individuals.  Large groups, such as Scouts, schools and clubs cannot be accommodated.


Festival of Science Events

Science in the Park

Date:  Saturday, September 26, 2009
TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Find the Elden Pueblo booth to discover the science of archaeology.


Festival of Science Public Field Day

DATE:    Sunday, September 27, 2009
TIME:     10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Come experience archaeology by participating in activities that include site tours, excavation, artifact cleaning, and atlatl & rabbit stick throwing. Tours at 10 a.m., noon & 2 p.m. No fee. Field days are designed for families and individuals.  Large groups, such as Scouts, schools and clubs cannot be accommodated.



Museum Of Northern Arizona (MNA) Programs

Discovery Programs

To register for any MNA Discovery program, call Rosemary Logan at (928) 774-5211 ext. 241

People of the Earth

DATES: July 6-10, 2009
TIME:  9:00 am to 1:00 pm
AGES6 to 8 years

An introduction of how ancient people lived in relation to the earth.  A hands-on exploration of how they built their homes, tools, foods and hunting methods.  Explore ruins, study artifacts, make prehistoric foods and tools to unlock the secrets of the past.


Adventures in Archaeology

DATES: July 13-17, 2009
TIME:  9:00 am to 4:00 pm
AGES:  8 to 13 years

Join us for a week of archaeological adventure. Learn about the Sinagua people, ancient inhabitants of the Flagstaff area, by exploring the "pieces of the past" they left behind. Participate in excavations, learn to make maps, analyze artifacts, and explore other nearby sites. Students will learn about native foods, rock art, stone tools, plus many other activities, field trips, and demonstrations.

Field Archaeologist

DATES: July 27-31, 2009
TIME:  9:00 am to 4:00 pm
AGES:  8 to 13 years

This program focuses on field work to locate, document, and complete condition assessments of archaeological sites on the Coconino National Forest.  Many of these sites have not been revisited by archaeologists since they were first recorded by Dr. Colton in the early years of the Museum’s Archaeological Survey.  This is an active, outdoor week in the field.  Field techniques of survey, mapping, and photography will be covered.


Arizona Archaeological Society Programs

Archaeology Expo at Pueblo Grande State Museum

DATES: march 14-15, 2009
TIME:  10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Look for Elden Pueblo’s booth at the 2009 SHPO Archaeology Expo. Try your hand at throwing a rabbit stick- a prehistoric hunting game. Learn about archaeological research projects being done throughout Arizona, and how you can get involved.  Enjoy hands-on activities for all ages.



Arizona Archaeological Society Field Schools

Field schools are only open to members of the Arizona Archaeological Society (AAS).  Non- members will need to join AAS to participate.  See the AAS web site at for details.

Crew Member I & Crew Member II Field School

The Elden field school provides training for various courses in the AAS Certification Program.  Each course requires two weeks of participation to complete certification requirements.

DATES: June 22-26, 2009
TIME:  8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Crew Member I covers beginning excavation and recording methods.  Crew Member II, offered simultaneously, covers advanced field methods and excavation supervision of Crew Member I participants.
Program Fee:  $100/week

Alumni Work Week

Elden Pueblo alumni are invited to a work week, to complete work on key trenches at the site.

DATES:  July 20-24, 2009
TIME:  8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Experienced volunteers only.  It’s time to complete the south trenches, a key element to putting together the whole story at the site. Free primitive camping and camaraderie. Registration required. 
Program fee: free, for hard working alumni.  Donations accepted.

Stabilization & Reconstruction Field School

This field school provides the first week’s training of the two week certification course.

DATES:  August 14-16, 2009 and August 22-23, 2009
TIME:  8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Stabilization field school is an introduction to basic field skills needed to stabilize and reconstruct stone walls. Maintaining architectural integrity, preservation issues and the role of stabilization in site interpretation are covered.
Program fee: $150/week

Rock Art Recording Field School

This field school provides the one week of training for the two week certification course.

DATES:  August 10-14, 2009
TIME:  8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Join local archaeologists to record the extensive rock art found in the Coconino National Forest  Proper recording techniques are covered.   
Program fee: $150/week


Discover Archaeology Scout Workshop

DATES: Saturday, September 19, 2009 with optional
     Sunday, September 20, 2009 field service project and campout.
TIME: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
AGES:   4th grade and up.               
Program Fee:  $15 per Scout. First two chaperones are free. Advance Registration required.

Register early! This one-day workshop covers most of the outside assistance badge work required for the Archaeology Merit Badge.  Troop leaders/chaperones must accompany Scouts at all times.  Additional $10 fee for weekend campout and field service work. 

Group Program Opportunities

Do you have a group interested in a unique field experience?   We connect the people of the present with the peoples of the past.    We can provide customized educational programs, from one or two days to a full week.  We also offer group volunteer opportunities that are both meaningful and educational.

Contact Lisa Edmonson, Elden Pueblo Program Manager, at (928) 527-3452 or e-mail  for information on any of these programs. Or visit our Website.

On-Site Educational Programs

DATES:    By reservation, after April 15, 2008
TIME:     By reservation. 1 hr. tour, half day & full day programs available.

Programs for school and other groups include a hands-on experience at Elden Pueblo.  Your group will explore the site, participate in actual excavations, examine artifacts, and be part of the on-going research of the prehistoric Sinagua at Elden Pueblo. Specialized programs meeting your curriculum and educational needs can be designed.

An Educator’s Workshop based on Project Archaeology is also offered to provide educators with training and materials to prepare students for their on-site experience.  Inquire to schedule a Workshop.



Fee Schedule

One-Hour Tour and Activity

1-15 People            $100
16-30 People          $150

Four-Hour Archaeological Education Program

1-15 People            $250
16-30 People          $325

Eight-Hour Archaeological Education Program

1-15 People            $350
16-30 People          $450



For more information about any programs listed above, custom programs, or to schedule a program for your group, contact:

Lisa Edmonson, Elden Pueblo Program Manager
The Elden Pueblo Archaeology Project
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 527-3452


Mail In Interest Form
Please click here for printable .pdf file form for requesting information, adding yourself to our mailing list and for donations to the Elden Pueblo Archaeology Project


[graphic] pottery shards

See also Elden Pueblo Recreation Opportunity Guide

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U.S. Forest Service - Coconino National Forest
Last Modified: Thursday, 08 January 2009