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Ideas community for the Citizen's Brefing Book.
  • 160
    Not just ideas for possible decisions but feedback on the actual decisions made.
    0 Comments »   Posted by Kevin J. Kauth to Service, Technology, Additional Issues on 1/13/2009 6:19 PM
  • 230
    Please work to create a version of this website to provide feedback to congress.
    0 Comments »   Posted by Kevin J. Kauth to Service, Technology, Additional Issues on 1/13/2009 6:16 PM
  • 120

    Create a summer jobs training program for youth 13 - 22 to help the cities and states in a number of ways. Paid internship for office workers, program counselors, etc.,

    The program will get the kids off the streets and help the city and state fill vacancies in the wake of job cuts.

    In the 1980's the Reagan Administration ended these programs from there the crime rates and poverty skyrocketed in the inner city. You can say the tax breaks that he championed were on the backs of the poor inner city youth that lost out on the CETA program.

    1 Comment »   Posted by jamesr57 to Education, Service on 1/13/2009 6:16 PM
  • 20

    All Americans Unite in our Darkest hour

    I have worked up a budget bill that will guarantee that this country will not have to bailout any financial institutuions but it will bailout the unemployed. I will be present my bill in a day or two to my local congress and senate reprensative and hopefull it will be forward to President Barrack Obama to review and pass. He might think it will need tweeking which it might but it will benefit all working and unemployed americans in years to come. The bill i am proposing is a secret only because i do not want someone to steal my idea  Remember President Kennedy, Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. In somewhat at that time it was true but not now. We must do everything to ensure our survival as working and unemployed americans as we unite under a new president. The new phase shoud be: We the people to whom are united in the United States of America has called upon ourselves in all likes and forms to unite in to the survival of our country to protect current and future generations to come.

    In seven days, the torch will be passed and the torch will always flickered as long we stand togeather and not defeat ourselves with self greed. To all whom who will read this blog. I called upon all americans on the day President Obama is sworned in: When night falls upon our nation regardless what time zone we are in. We should all light up a candle or shine a flashlight into the sky to show the world once again that we are united so that when all foreign satellites are passing over the United States on the night President Obama accepts. The world will know that the United States will be the light for Freedom and Peace.

    God Bless President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of state Hillary Clinton

  • 0
    What job will cause a long term boost in economy?

    Nationally funded  ER rooms with allowances for non long trained AMA personal would provide long term new jobs that would boost economy, provide low cost competition to ridiculously overpriced current helathcare system and be a start to a national health care system.

    Such a system would provide long term higher paying skilled jobs with new healthcare workers that would carry the economy for years. So healthcare then is not a long term negative but a positive.
    You don't need doctors trained for years to do most things. Other nations have proven this.They use one specialist with only 6 months dedicated training in sutures, one in broken bones etc. overseen by one General practiioner. This dramatically lowers the cost of helathcare too and provides BETTER expertise than GP's.

    0 Comments »   Posted by Fitch to Economy, Health Care, Service, Technology on 1/13/2009 6:08 PM
  • 50
    Let voters in this forum to continually rank their top 10 favorite ideas.   Give each idea that's ranked in a top 10 a point value for it's rank.  10 point, 9 points, 8 points, etc.  This will show which ideas are truly seen as the best and most urgent of the bunch.
  • 290
    Start a program scanning the library of congress into an online library where it can be accessed for free.  It would make it so much easier and cheaper for public/ school libraries to offer the people they serve quality access to knowledge.  Going hand in hand with the plan already in place to drastically expand broadband lines and invest in 21st century schools, this would do much to improve American education while making it more cost effective.  It would also save money and the enviornement by reducing the amount of paper purchased by the government when stocking multiple libraries with the same books.
  • 70
    Once again you have front loaded the voting results by allowing voting directly from the list of most popular entries.  The results being so biased against later entries that the resulting rankings are completely unreliable as an indicator of which topics are actually most important to participants much less to the American public.  To achieve a more accurate vote, up or down voting on the lists should not be allowed.  Voting should be only on questions randomly selected from all entries, a minimum number of votes should be cast (perhaps 100) before an entry is placed on the most popular list, and rankings should be on the percentage of up/down votes.  Hopefully you will be able to emplement changes such as these and produce a more representative picture of America's concerns.  Other than that, what you've been doing is really super, thanks!
  • 170
    Although students in general (undergraduate and graduate) are facing increasing cost in tuition and fees, one of the key items that no one addresses is the cost of living expenses. Graduate students pay for expenses in terms of rent and utilities (with no subsidies) and are barely paid above minimum wage through teaching and research assistantships if fortunate to attain such assistantships. Such commitments consume a minimum of 20 hours (for a monthly stipend of $1400.00). This consumption of time results in the graduate student pro-longing their time span of matriculation by enrolling in a maximum of six hours while balancing priorities in research. Meanwhile, students who take out loans throughout graduate school in addition to undergraduate school are not allowed to consolidate as long as they are enrolled as full-time students.

    By forcing graduate students to pay taxes on fellowhips for expenses such as room and board, students are being partially robbed of attaining financial assistance outside of loans or part-time jobs (either outside or through an assistantship) that may conflict with research time. Personally, I feel this is a gross form of taxation when graduate students perform research that is a form of service to this country that may or may not be sponsored by industry.

    If the U.S. is to increase the number of doctors, scientists, and engineers who will un-doubtfully come more so from those classes that is not priviledged, the tax policy regarding taxes on fellowhips needs to be repealed.

  • 50
    Many posts are being categorized by the posters inappropriately. I suspect they figure they will get more exposure by cross posting, but when I click on Education I am not interested in wading through posts on everything.

    The best would be if every item starts off cross posted and then drops out of categories in which most users negate that category. Posters would not have to do the extra step and people like me who are motivated to eliminate the inappropriate items would do the work.

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