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Trade Remedy Investigations
          Trade Remedy Assistance Office

The ITC's Trade Remedy Assistance Office provides general information to small businesses and other small entities concerning the remedies and benefits available under U.S. trade laws and provides technical and legal assistance to eligible small entities seeking remedies.

Information concerning eligibility for assistance under the Trade Remedy Assistance program and the U.S. trade laws are available in this section:

•  Trade Remedy Assistance program information

•  U.S. trade laws

For further information, contact the Trade Remedy Assistance program manager at 202-205-3141 or 1-800-343-9822.

Links in column to right should include:






500 E Street SW
Suite 216
Wasshington, DC 20436
202-205-2200 (voice)
1-800-343-9822 (voice)
202-205-2139 (fax)

TRAO Program Information
Trade Remedy Laws
Summary of Statutory Provisions Related to Import Relief
Background: Intellectual Property Infringement Investigations
Background: Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations
Background: Safeguard Investigations
United States International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436
Telephone: 202-205-2000
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