
On the Web site, you will find tools for teaching your community about poison prevention. You can learn what Poison Help offers and when a person should call a local poison center.
First, visit Poison Prevention. Learn about:
• common poisons
• tips to prevent poisonings
• what to do in a poison emergency
• risks linked to certain age groups
Once you know the basics of poison prevention, you’ll want to help others learn about it. At Promote Poison Help learn how to prevent poisonings in your area. If you are a health professional, you’ll be able to find resources for sharing poison prevention information with others. This page offers all the tools you need. It also provides a list of other organizations that provide information on poison prevention.
At Resources, find the latest poison data. Read through the Poison Help materials from our brochure. Also, find seasonal tips, digital ads, and other teaching materials. You can easily download all the materials. Then you can print them and pass information along to others. You can watch online videos about poison safety. And you can download the videos to your computer or portable player. Also, you can find these resources, and more, for your state: (1) contact information for the local poison center and (2) lists of Poison Help partners in your state or region.
Find recent Poison Help information by visiting News.