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Help - System Requirements
What are the system requirements for using this system on PC?
HRSA EHBs can be accessed over the Internet using Internet Explorer (IE) v5.0 and above and Netscape v4.72 and above.

IE 6.0 and above is the recommended browser.

HRSA EHBs use pop-up screens to allow users to view or work on multiple screens. Ensure that your browser settings allow for pop-ups.
How can I adjust the font size on my browser?
HRSA EHBs now support adjustable fonts so you can adjust the font size based on your preference. To do this refer to your browser's help documentation since the instructions vary based on the browser and the version of it that you are using. For IE v7.0, the instructions are provided below:

On your browser window go to View --> Text Size --> adjust to suit your need

Be advised that when you use this feature, it will affect all websites you visit.
What are the system requirements for using this system on a Macintosh computer?
Mac users are requested to download the latest version of Netscape for their OS version. It is recommended that Safari v1.2.4 and above or Netscape v7.2 and above be used.

Note that Internet Explorer (IE) for Mac has known issues with SSL and Microsoft is no longer supporting IE for Mac. HRSA EHBs do not work on IE for Mac.
What other software is required?
HRSA EHBs allow upload and download of documents in different formats. Following formats (or file extensions) are currently supported:

doc, rtf, txt, wpd, pdf, xls, jpg, jpeg

To view these documents on your computer, you must have the appropriate viewer or software installed on your machine.