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Transportation Security Administration Life-Cycle Electronics Stewardship

The Transportation Security Administration formed an Electronic Stewardship Team, including employees from the Environmental Management Program, the Information Technology Division, and the Property Management Office. Using the Federal Electronics Challenge (FEC) as its guide, the Team improved the practices used in acquisition and procurement, operations and maintenance, and the end-of-life management practices of TSA’s electronics.

TSA undertook a computer refreshment project in 2006. To fulfill their electronics stewardship objectives, the computer contract language was modified to ensure that all computers, monitors, and laptops procured were EPEAT-registered, at the Silver level.

The Team worked with Dell to ensure that all end-of-life computers and electronic components were either reused or recycled. Dell’s Asset Recovery Service took back all used computers. Those computers reaching end-of-life outside of the computer refresh project were disposed of via donation on GSAXcess. After this, a timeline was arranged for Federal and State agencies and members of the public to offer to purchase the items. If the electronics were not donated or sold, they were sent to UNICOR for recycling.

To address sensitive information, TSA’s hard drives were wiped seven times using the agency’s Standard Approved Wiping Software, and those with particularly sensitive data underwent a degaussing process. The latter procedure rendered the hard drives non-reusable so they could be sent for recycling.

Acknowledging that employee education is a fundamental part of any agency-wide environmental plan, TSA developed a bulletin titled Guidance for Electronics Best Management Practices. Among other things, the literature encouraged employees to log off their computers when they are not in use and detailed paper-saving printing and copying tips. These bulletins also included information about the electronic procurement and disposition process of which the agency was in the process. For more information, please contact Andrew Bouie at 571-227-1320 or andrew.bouie@dhs.gov.

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