Media Center
Visiting the Lab Community Outreach Magnet Academy

ArrowPublic Affairs Group

The Magnet Lab’s Office of Public Affairs regularly disseminates news and information about the lab to a variety of audiences, striving to inform, educate, entertain or motivate action. While the scientific staff is charged with establishing and protecting the lab’s reputation in the scientific community, the goal of the Public Affairs group is to do the same with the general public. We try to make it easy for non-scientists to identify with and appreciate the lab.

The Public Affairs group works hand-in-hand with the Visual Media group on the design and look of the Magnet Lab’s Web site and print materials, such as Mag Lab Reports and Flux, which is geared toward a general audience.

Office of Public Affairs
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32310-3706

Susan Ray

Director: Susan Ray
Phone: (850) 644-9651
Fax: (850) 644-8350
Susan oversees the activities of the Office of Public Affairs and the lab’s Web site and print publications. She directs the media and community relations for the lab, and as such is the primary contact for members of the media.

Kristen Eliza Coyne

Webmaster: Kristen Eliza Coyne
Phone: (850) 645-8323
Fax: (850) 644-8350
Kristen develops and edits Web content, and updates and maintains the site. She also writes educational content for the site, including the Magnet Academy, a series of interactive features designed to interest non-scientists in Mag Lab research and science.

Amy Mast

Coordinator, Information / Publication Services: Amy Mast
Phone: (850) 644-1933
Fax: (850) 644-8350
Amy edits and produces two magazines: the quarterly Mag Lab Reports, a largely scientific publication, and the biannual Flux, which targets a general audience. She also coordinates other publications, writes news releases, develops original content for the magazine, and writes copy for other informational pieces.

Visual Media

The Visual Media group is headed up by Michael Davidson, who oversees a staff of graphic artists, designers, writers, programmers and Web developers responsible for designing and building our Web site and much of its educational content, including interactive tutorials and other graphics. This group handles all the lab’s visual media needs, including designing print publications, posters and other material. Davidson also directs the lab’s Optical Microscopy research group and is the creator of the highly regarded Molecular Expressions Web site.

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© 1995 - 2009 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32310 - 3706

Phone: (850) 644 - 0311
Fax: (850) 644 - 8350
Email: Magnet Lab Webmaster