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Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards


Mark A. Brown, PhD
Director, Environmental Agents Service

Before joining the Department of Veterans Affairs  on August 30, 1999, Dr. Brown worked on a variety of public health and environmental issues in federal and state government, private industry, university research laboratories, and nonprofit organizations.  Most recently, he worked at the Department of Commerce on nonproliferation export controls for chemical and biological weapons.

Previously, Dr. Brown served 2-1/2 years on the staff of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses.  There he directed the review of Gulf War health risk factors including exposure to chemical weapons, pesticides, depleted uranium, infectious diseases, various petroleum products, and physchological and physiological stress.

Dr. Brown also worked at the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) where he directed or worked on health and environmental policy issues of interest to Congress.  Before coming to Washington, DC in 1991 as an AAAS Science & Engineering Fellow, he was an Environmental Biochemist at the California Department of Health Services.

In 1983, Dr. Brown received his Ph.D. in environmental chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley; and prior to that, an M.S. in organic chemistry from the University of Oregon at Eugene.