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ArrowElectron Magnetic Resonance (EMR) Overview

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Job Openings

The EMR group is currently accepting applications for two postdoctoral positions and a research scientist.

The most common form of EMR is electron paramagnetic/spin resonance (EPR/ESR). In EPR experiments, transitions are observed between the mS sublevels of an electronic spin state S that are split by the applied magnetic field as well as by the fine structure interactions and the electron-nuclear hyperfine interactions. This technique has extensive applications in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, physics and materials research.

Most EPR research is done at the X-Band frequency of ~9.5 gigahertz (GHz). K-Band (25 GHz), Q-Band (35 GHz) and W-Band (95 GHz) instruments are also commercially available. EPR at high frequencies of hundreds of GHz and at high magnetic fields of several teslas and more offers numerous advantages:

For more information contact program director Stephen Hill at or (850) 644-1647.

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