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The procedures for applying for magnet time, as well as the review processes for those applications, vary by program.

To Submit a Proposal

DC Field, EMR, ICR and NMR Programs
Log onto our User Request system to submit proposals. This system is designed to coordinate and support user visits and research, and ensure that the laboratory fully reports all activities to the National Science Foundation. DC Field users will want to review magnet dates and deadlines for that facility.

Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Program
Please visit the AMRIS Rules and Policy page for information on facility access.

Kirill Bolotin
User Kirill Bolotin from Columbia University does research in the DC Field facility.

High B/T Program
To submit a proposal, first contact program director Neil Sullivan at or (352) 846-3137.

Pulsed Field Program
Please complete the User Request Form.

Through a competitive process, research funding is available for select projects.

Proposal Review

DC and Pulsed Field Programs
Access to the lab’s continuous (DC) and pulsed field facilities is determined by a two-step proposal and review process administered by the facilities' directors. The users program directors and Mag Lab staff members review first-time users. Continuing requests are evaluated based on scientific and technical impact as shown by the published results from the ongoing work. Requests for the 45 T hybrid and the 100 T pulse magnets are reviewed by a panel that includes one scientist each from UF, FSU and LANL and nine outside scientists. The panel members review and rank the requests. The available magnet time is scheduled by each facility’s program head following the priorities set by the panelists. The final decision for use of the high field facilities rests with the lab’s director.

EMR Program
Potential users must submit a brief proposal that is reviewed by the program director or assistant program directors. The potential users are notified of the decision and put in contact with the appropriate Magnet Lab staff to schedule spectrometer time.

High B/T Program
Potential users submit a proposal that is evaluated by the High B/T Facility staff. Use of the facility is restricted to experiments that need the special low temperature and high field configurations. Many of the experiments require long running times, special assemblies and direct interaction with personnel on site.

ICR Program
Access to the ICR equipment requires a one-page proposal and is at the discretion of the facility’s director. Long-term use (more than two to three days), equipment or salary support requires a two to three page proposal (and budget) that is reviewed by an advisory panel.

NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging Program
Potential users of the NSF-funded NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging facilities must submit a brief proposal that is reviewed by the program director or assistant program directors. The potential users are notified of the decision and put in contact with the appropriate Magnet lab staff to schedule spectrometer time. Access to the UWB 900 is solicited on a bimonthly basis. Proposals are reviewed by an in-house science committee that includes staff from FSU, UF and the Magnet Lab. The committee evaluates the appropriateness of the research for the UWB 900 and the novelty of the science. The decisions by this committee are reviewed annually by the members of the NMR User Advisory Committee.

For more information contact User Programs Chief of Staff Kathy Hedick.

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