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President and Mrs. Bush Host Children's Holiday Reception and Performance
President Bush on Monday said, "Welcome to the White House. Yes! We're excited you are here. And we're excited you're .. - 11.8KB
08 Dec 08
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President Bush Attends Unveiling of The Union League of Philadelphia's Portrait of the ..
President Bush on Saturday said, "The motto of The Union League is "Love of Country Leads." .. - 11.4KB
06 Dec 08
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President Bush Discusses World AIDS Day
President Bush on Monday said, "Today is World AIDS Day, a day we reaffirm our commitment to fight HIV/AIDS at home and abroad. .. - 8.3KB
01 Dec 08
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President Bush Attends APEC CEO Summit 2008
President Bush on Saturday said, "The bonds of unity we felt then remain today, and they will always remain. Long after this crisis has .. - 23.0KB
22 Nov 08
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President Bush Meets with the National Governors Association
President Bush on Monday said, "First, .. my biggest concern is protecting this country. You got to know something, .. - 16.4KB
26 Feb 07
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President Bush Presents the Medal of Honor to Lieutenant Colonel Bruce Crandall
President Bush on Monday said, "In men like Bruce Crandall, we really see the best of America. He and his fellow .. - 15.3KB
26 Feb 07
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Vice President Honors Veterans of Korean War
Vice President speaks to Korean War Veterans at an event in San Antonio, Texas. - 40.1KB
29 Aug 02
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Vice President Speaks at VFW 103rd National Convention
"Great decisions and challenges lie ahead of us. Yet we can and we will build a safer and better world beyond the war on .. - 44.3KB
26 Aug 02
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Vice President Discusses the President's Economic Security Agenda
Earlier this week, Vice President Cheney discussed the President's Economic Security Agenda stating that, "Americans .. - 51.1KB
07 Aug 02
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The Vice President makes remarks at the NRCC Gala Salute to Dick Armey and J.C. Watts
Vice President's Biography Speeches VP Office History Military Academy Nominations Photo Essays Vice ... - 34.0KB
02 Oct 02
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