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Search for a phrase by putting the phrase in quotes. For example, searching the phrase A HUMAN FACE without quotes retrieves over 100 sections, but searching the phrase "A HUMAN FACE" with the quotes surrounding the phrase retrieves only those few sections having that exact phrase occurring in the text. (The search engine uses the OR operator between search terms if no operator is specified, so the search A HUMAN FACE is really a search of A OR HUMAN OR FACE, retrieving all occurrences of the words A or HUMAN or FACE.)

In general, omit the apostrophe and other punctuation characters from your search. For example, the phrase WIRE/CABLES would be searched by either "WIRE CABLES" (with the quotes for phrase searching) or WIRE ADJ CABLES (using the adjacency operator).

To search for abbreviations, do not include the final period of the abbreviation. For example, occurrences of U.S. are retrieved by the U.S search, omitting the final period of the abbreviation. (This should not be a concern, as there are few abbreviations in the Manual of Examining Procedure.)

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