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National and Homeland Security

Argonne's work in national and homeland security is rooted in our strong scientific and engineering expertise. Before and since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Argonne has developed major research efforts in support of the Department of Homeland Security, particularly in the area of protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure and key resources. For decades, Argonne has played an important role in the Department of Energy’s infrastructure assurance efforts, including programs to understand interdependencies among infrastructures and to respond to energy emergencies. We have also developed unique research programs in the integration of chemical, biological, and nuclear sensor technologies into effective command and control systems, such as the PROTECT software. In conjunction with regional universities and state and local governments, we are recognized as a resource for emergency response, transportation security, and crisis management for communities in the upper Midwest.

Focus Areas

  • Information Analysis
  • Prevention and Protection
  • Preparedness and Response
  • Organizational Security
  • Infrastructure Security
  • Information Sharing

For more information, contact:
James Peerenboom, Director
Infrastructure Assurance Center
Decision and Information Sciences Division
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Ave., Bldg. 900
Argonne, IL, 60439
Phone: 630-252-8994
Fax: 630-252-9559
E-mail James Peerenboom

Related Information

Associated Projects

Biological Warning and Incident Characterization (BWIC)

Agent-Based Social Network Modeling to Investigate Possible Terrorist Networks (NetBreaker)

Modeling a Virtual Military Installation

Threat Ensemble Vulnerability Assessment (TEVA)

Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

Selected Publications

EpiPOD: Community Vaccination and Dispensing Model User's Guide

Critical Infrastructure Protection Decision Support System Decision Model: Overview and Quick-Start User's Guide

Argonne's Simphony: A Modular Toolkit for Composing Advanced Integrated Simulations

Systemic Adversarial Financial Risk: A Modeling and Mitigation Tool

The Effect of Terrorism on Public Confidence: An Exploratory Study

OPTUM: Optimum Portfolio Tool for Utility Maximization Documentation and User's Guide

More publications

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