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With major government reform the flavor of the week in Washington, thanks to the Wall Street meltdown, Harrisburg lawmakers were right in step as they moved toward changing the way Pennsylvania selects its highest judges.
Cold-case challengeWe in the FBI understand the frustrations described in last Saturday's editorial ("Civil Rights Murders: Still Waiting for Justice"), and, at the same time, we never underestimated the challenges of taking on unsolved civil rights-era murder cases. Our efforts cannot be measured by the number of prosecutions alone.
An economy in crisis
Edward J. Yellen Wallingford Financial "experts" and corporate executives extol the virtues of "free markets" and deregulation until they need government intervention to keep their companies solvent.
An editorial yesterday, "Over a barrel," should have said that fewer than 1 percent of 3,800 oil refineries and platforms in the area of Texas and Louisiana were damaged by Hurricane Ike.
Over a barrel
Days before Hurricane Ike plowed through Texas, gas prices started to climb across the country. Then, over the weekend, the average price for a gallon of gasoline jumped 11 cents in the five-county Philadelphia region. Prices in South Jersey soared 15 cents, on average.
Next time, pedal
The economy may be tanking, but at least there has been some good news for folks trying to avoid the high price of gasoline.
J.C. Lore III is a clinical associate professor at Rutgers Law School, Camden The United States leads the world - by far - in sentencing children to die in prisons. It's the only country in the world where children are serving life sentences without the possibility of parole, and Pennsylvania leads the 50 states in the category.
Does John McCain represent a third Bush term? The Obama campaign claims the two are almost indistinguishable. It was the mantra during the Democratic convention, and it is the theme of new ads Barack Obama is running. The ads claim that McCain is "no maverick when he votes with Bush 90 percent of the time."
Sarah Palin had a very bad week. During a campaign stop in Colorado, she contended that the United States comprises 54 states. During another stop, in Canton, Ohio, she mistakenly told the crowd how happy she was to be in Cincinnati.
No better planI have heard all of the arguments against leasing the Pennsylvania Turnpike, but what I haven't heard is a better idea.
Bishops must condemn all sins
The Roman Catholic bishops have a right and duty to remind politicians and all of the faithful of the church's teaching on abortion and myriad other issues.
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