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Every American Insured

Image of the map of the United States of American filled with photographs of people.There is a widely held aspiration in our Nation that every American should have access to affordable health insurance.

According to recent estimates, nearly 45 million Americans lack health insurance coverage. It is time to set a goal that, within five years, every American has access to affordable insurance. 

The government provides sustainable assistance for the poor, the elderly, and the disabled. Federally-funded programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) are essential tools and will continue to help those in need.  However, there is a real need to create a marketplace for affordable insurance beyond that provided through federal government assistance.  Many states recognize the problem and are already working to reform health care.

The federal government supports and encourages states’ efforts to organize the private marketplace to make insurance more affordable for all Americans.  This can be done without threatening protections employers have for the insurance they provide employees – protections that should be continued.

The federal government can also help level the playing field for Americans who purchase health insurance on their own. Federal and state policies and laws need to ensure that those who buy health insurance on their own do not face tax discrimination. Employers who buy insurance for their employees will continue to receive tax protection.


Last revised: October 02, 2007