The House Committee on Ways and Means is the oldest standing committee
in Congress. It was created in 1789 and has jurisdiction over legislation,
methods, and means of raising revenue for the use of the government. In
addition to legislating, the Committee exercises broad oversight authority
over economic policy, international trade, welfare, Social Security, Medicare
and health care policy.
GPO Access contains Ways and Means committee prints for the 104th
Congress (1995-1996) forward which are available in searchable databases. Select prints such as the Green Book ('96, '98, '00,'04) and Blue Book also are available in separate searchable databases. All the committee prints are available in a browseable format. Documents are prepared by the staff of the Committee on Ways and Means and issued under the authority of Chairman Bill Archer.
Documents are available in ASCII text and Adobe Portable Document Format
More about Ways and Means Committee Prints.
Current Congress Only, 110th Congress (2007-08)
Previous Congresses -- 104th (1995-96) through 109th (2005-06)