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EDIS and Electronic Docket

Modifications to EDIS and Daily Filing Report

The EDIS Daily Filing Report has been modified to cease displaying metadata about a document until an electronic copy of the document is available on EDIS, AND the document has been successfully reviewed and approved for acceptance through USITC quality assurance procedures.  Until that time, only the document ID number will be shown in the report in order for the filing party to verify that an electronic submission or cover sheet creation is recorded in EDIS.  This change is to prevent confusion as to the public availability of a document and to prevent release of potentially inaccurate information.  Please do not contact Docket Services about the availability of these documents until they have been officially accepted, as indicated by the display of all relevant document metadata.

EDIS E-Filing (new) and Public Search
EDIS E-Filing Federal Register Notice
EDIS E-Filing Announcement

Handbook for Electronic Filing Procedures (3/24/2006)
EDIS E-Filing Enhancement User Guide
EDIS E-Filing Announcement
Recent Petitions and Complaints
USITC Publications
APO Forms and Red Book


General Dockets Line:202-205-1802
EDIS Help:202-205-edis(3347)

United States International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436
Telephone: 202-205-2000
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