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Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards

Atomic Veterans and Radiation-Related Health Issues

The Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards develops and reviews policies and procedures relating to examination and treatment of atomic veterans, or other veterans exposed to ionizing radiation in service.  The Office also works closely with the Veterans Benefits Administration by consultation review of some compensation claims cases.

Approximately 195,000 U. S. service members have been identified as participants in the post-World War II occupation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan following the atomic bombing of Japan.  In addition, approximately 210,000 mostly military members are confirmed as participants in U.S. atmospheric nuclear weapons tests between 1945 and 1962 in the United States and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans prior to the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty.  Largely as a result of epidemiological studies of Japanese atomic bomb survivors, exposure to radiation has been associated with a number of disorders including leukemia, various cancers and cataracts.   VA provides special priority enrollment for health-care services to "atomic veterans" for radiation-related conditions.  In addition, these "atomic veterans" are eligible to participate in the VA ionizing radiation registry examination program.

Of the estimated 400,000 "Atomic Veterans," 22,000 have participated in the Ionizing Radiation Registry.

Program Director

Neil S. Otchin, M.D.

Ionizing Radiation Newsletters

January 2006

August 2005

December 2004

February 2004

Independant Study Courses

Veterans Health Initiative

Current Directives

VHA Handbook 1301.1
Ionizing Radiation Registry Program Procedures
January 24, 2006

VHA Handbook 1303.1
Evaluation Protocol for Gulf War and Iraqi Freedom Veterans with Potential Exposure to Depleted Uranium
September 2, 2004 (links to PDF file)

VHA Handbook 1303.4
Evaluation Protocol for Non-Gulf War Veterans with Potential Exposure to Depleted Uranium (DU)
September 2, 2004
1303.4hk 209-02-04.pdf

Medical Resident Resources Information

Cold War - Atomic Veterans

VA Fact Sheets

Ionizing Radiation Briefs
December 2004
A new fact sheet series designed to help veterans who were exposed to ionizing radiation while in the military, their families and others who may have concerns about the possible long-term health consequences of such exposure.  The December 2004 edition is the initial publication of these fact sheets.

VA Radiation Programs Information
April 15, 2003
This fact sheet replaces and updates information previously provided in the September 2002 Fact Sheet, "VA Programs for Veterans Exposed to Radiation"

Nasopharyngeal Radium Therapy
February 1999


2004 Ionizing Radiation Poster


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