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EDIS Filers – New look, new procedures
Upgrades now in effect – check the details

The ITC's Electronic Document Information System (EDIS) has been upgraded to improve the way you file documents through the EDIS system.

We hope that you will find these improvements intuitive and more "user-friendly" for the EDIS filing experience. We’ve also made some improvements you can’t see that will enhance the security and accuracy of the documents you submit.

Detailed information on these changes and the new procedures may be found in the Commission’s updated Handbook on Electronic Filing and the EDIS E-Filing Enhancement User Guide. These documents can be found on the new interface at under the “HELP” menu. Please send comment to

Federal Register notice announcing update

Upgrade Highlights:

  • Anyone filing a document through the EDIS system must now be a registered user. Anonymous user access is no longer permitted.

  • Registration can now be done entirely on-line. Users will no longer have to print out and mail in their registration form with an original signature.

  • Existing registered user accounts will not be required to take any additional steps. All current registered user accounts will retain their "registered user" status.

  • When registering, select your Firm or Organization from the new drop down field! This will help eliminate typographical errors. If your Firm/Organization is not listed, select "Not Applicable" and notify the EDIS System Administrator to add a new Firm/Organization.

  • The information you designate in the on-line registration process will automatically populate appropriate fields when you prepare to submit new documents.

  • Document dates will be set automatically.

  • You may now file more and bigger documents. The size limit of electronic files has been increased from 5 MB to 10 MB. In addition, you may file an unlimited number of attachments as long as each individual PDF file does not exceed 10 MB.



Peg O'Laughlin
Public Affairs Officer
Phone: 202-205-1819
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