GSA Advantage Help - Member Login

I forgot my User ID. What should I do?

If you have forgotten your User ID, follow the steps below:
  1. From the home page, click the "Password Assistance" link; or click on the "Login" link, then click on the "Forgot My User ID & Password" link.
  2. From the Advantage Login Assistance page, click the "Forgot My User ID" button.
  3. Enter your e-mail address and click "Submit".
GSA Advantage will locate and email your User ID to you!

I forgot my Password. What should I do?

If you have forgotten your password, you will not be able to retrieve your old password; however, you can obtain a new password by taking the following steps:
  1. From the home page, click the "Password Assistance" link; or click on the "Login" link, then click on the "Forgot My User ID & Password" link.
  2. From the Advantage Login Assistance page, click the "Forgot My Password" button.
  3. Enter the e-mail address you used when originally registering with Advantage.
    NOTE: If your email has changed since registration, enter your old email address.
  4. Enter the answer to the question. (Enter the answer you provided at registration.)
  5. You will be prompted to provide a new password in the boxes provided.
  6. Record your new password for future reference.

I already have a User ID and Password, but cannot get into GSA Advantage. What should I do?
Several things may have happened:
  • You may have accidentally mistyped your information. Try entering your User ID and Password again. You may be attempting to use your GSA (not GSA Advantage) corporate login account; or if you are a vendor, you may be attempting to login with your VSC account. These logins will not work.
  • When you attempted to register, your registration did not complete or was not successful. You may need to register again. Click on the "Register" link located at the top right-hand corner of the banner to register again.
  • If you are still unable to access the system, please contact one of our customer service representatives at (877) 472-3777, option 2.

Has my account become inactive?
Every January GSA Advantage will remove any accounts not accessed during the past 2 years. These old accounts cannot be reestablished. If your account has been removed and you would like to shop online using GSA Advantage, simply re-register. Click on "Register" located at the top right-hand corner of the banner or at the top of the Member Login screen.
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