An American Moment
  • Citizen's Briefing Book
  • Tom Daschle's Journey
  • The President-elect's Plan

Pictures from the Senate Democratic caucus

Today, President-elect Obama met with the Senate Democratic caucus. read more...

Video: HHS Secretary-designate Daschle travels to community health care discussion

Over the past few weeks, thousands of people in all fifty states have volunteered to participate in health care discussions in their communities.  read more...

Immigration, security top issues in meeting with Mexican President Calderón

President-elect Obama met today with Mexican President Felipe Calderón to discuss some of the major issues that will be the cornerstone of U.S.-Mexico relations during the coming Administration. read more...

Addressing your concerns on oversight of last year’s rescue package

Lawrence Summers, Director-designate of the National Economic Council, addresses widespread concerns on accountability in the rescue package in a letter to bipartisan Congressional Leaders. read more...

Your ideas and submissions in the Citizen’s Briefing Book

Your ideas and your words will be compiled into a Citizen's Briefing Book and delivered to President Obama after he takes office. read more...

The President-elect’s plan

In a new video, leading members of the Transition's policy teams sit down to talk about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan -- why it's necessary and how it will work. read more...

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GSA Transition Directory

GSA Transition Directory

The Transition Directory was developed to introduce members of the Transition and the incoming Administration to the Federal government resources available to them.