Surgeon General's Pledge and Checklists Help Prevent Childhood Overweight and Obesity and Secure a Healthy Future for our Children
Today, more than 12.5 million children – 17 percent of children and adolescents ages 2 to 19 -are overweight. Teaching children the importance of healthy eating and physical activity at a young age is necessary to help prevent overweight and obesity in this country. Together we can make a difference. As Surgeon General, I ask you to join this movement to help children achieve and maintain a healthy weight by making this promise:
Surgeon General’s PledgeI pledge to: - Be a role model by making healthy choices for myself.
- Help children be physically active through everyday play and participation in sports.
- Support children’s healthy eating habits.
A healthy future is our gift to our children. Signature (You can download a printable version of the Surgeon General's Pledge to sign and post as a reminder.)
Here are steps you can take and information to help you keep your pledge: