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03/31/2000 : Defense Leaders Commentary: The Facts on WMD Civil Support Teams      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 2000 - In a commencement address at the U.S. Naval Academy in May 1998, President Bill Clinton announced that our nation would do more to protect its citizens against the growing threat of chemical and biological terrorism. As part of this effort, he said, the Department of Defense would form 10 teams to support state and local authorities in the event of an incident involving weapons of mass destruction.
03/31/2000 : Cohen Deploys Recon Troops, Armored Vehicles to Kosovo      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 2000 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen signed deployment orders March 29 to send reconnaissance and armor assets to support operations in Kosovo.
03/31/2000 : Africa, Mideast Trip to Focus on Cooperation      
WASHINGTON, March 31, 2000 - During the first visit by a sitting U.S. Defense Secretary to Nigeria, William S. Cohen will discuss ways the United States can cooperate with the country to “reprofessionalize” the military and place it firmly under civilian control.
03/31/2000 : Hamre Will Miss Serving America    This story contains audio.  
FORT MYER, Va., March 31, 2000 - Outgoing Deputy Secretary of Defense John Hamre said he will always miss the privilege of serving America, but he won’t miss the demands of the office.
03/29/2000 : Cohen Calls for Supplemental Passage by April 17      
WASHINGTON, March 29, 2000 - "You have to pay the people, and you have to pay the light bill," said Warren Hall, assistant deputy comptroller for programs and budget. "One payment you can defer -- but it's not a great idea -- is you don't have to perform training."
03/29/2000 : Program Extends Drug Shelf-Life      
WASHINGTON, March 29, 2000 - Military health officials have saved American taxpayers millions through a testing program that extends the shelf life of drugs.
03/29/2000 : Deputy Secretary Hamre Bids Farewell  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  
Washington, March 29, 2000 - It has been the greatest honor and privilege of my life to serve as your Deputy Secretary of Defense.
03/29/2000 : Air Force Study Suggests Agent Orange, Diabetes Link    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 29, 2000 - Adult-onset diabetes in Vietnam vets may be associated with exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange, a Air Force report released today states.
03/28/2000 : Army Sweeps 2000 Wrestling Championships in Florida  This story contains photos.    
NAVAL AIR STATION WHITING FIELD, Fla., March 28, 2000 - Army grapplers snagged the Greco-Roman, freestyle and overall team titles here Mar. 17-18 to sweep the 2000 Armed Forces Wrestling Championships. The Marines placed second, trailed by the Air Force and the Navy.
03/28/2000 : Blue Star Mothers Offer Constant Care  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 28, 2000 - They’re there when military men and women head overseas. They're there to shower them with love when they come home again. Their thoughts are with them every day, no matter where they are.
03/27/2000 : U.S. Military Relief Effort in Mozambique Winds Down    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 27, 2000 - Operation Atlas Response is starting to wind down, DoD officials announced March 24.
03/27/2000 : Immigration Service, DoD Join to Speed Citizenship Process (corrected copy)    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 27, 2000 - A new area of cooperation between DoD and the Immigration and Naturalization Service has led to speedier processing of citizenship requests for service members.
03/24/2000 : Army Replaces Hundreds of Patriot Missiles    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 24, 2000, March 24, 2000 - The U.S. Army has finished replacing hundreds of Patriot missiles in Southwest Asia and Korea, officials announced March 23.
03/24/2000 : Navy Begins Honorary Members Program With Fitzwater, McCurry  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 24, 2000 - Former White House Press Secretaries Marlin Fitzwater and Mike McCurry became honorary members of the destroyers USS Arleigh Burke and USS Marc Mitscher respectively during a Pentagon ceremony.
03/24/2000 : Survey Details Harassment, Cohen Calls for Action Plan    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 24, 2000 - DoD Inspector General data show the military environment with respect to the homosexual conduct policy is not good.
03/23/2000 : WWII Woman Pilot Still Flying  This story contains photos.    
ARLINGTON, Va., March 23, 2000 - The "brown bag lunch" audience here at the Women's Memorial roared with laughter when Ann Wood-Kelly, decked out in her World War II uniform, said, "There's a lot of displacement over the years, but the differential was only about five pounds."
03/22/2000 : National Missile Defense Test Delayed to June    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 22, 2000 - The next flight test of the National Missile Defense System has been delayed to June 26, DoD officials announced March 21, 2000
03/22/2000 : Queen of the Ball Treasures Naval Service  This story contains photos.    
GULFPORT, Miss., March 22, 2000 - Suzanne M. Grizzard told “a little white lie” to get into the Navy in November 1943. She was only 18 years old but told recruiters she was 20 -- the required age for women to join in those days.
03/22/2000 : Hamre Reflects on his Defense Service, Praises Troops  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 22, 2000 - Looking back on seven years with DoD, Deputy Defense Secretary John J. Hamre said he is "absolutely awed at the quality and professionalism" of American military personnel.
03/22/2000 : Computer Security, Y2K Effort Top Hamre Accomplishments (corrected copy)  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 22, 2000 - Even after nearly three years on the job, John J. Hamre said it's hard to pin down exactly what a deputy secretary of defense is supposed to do. But for someone who isn't sure, he has a long list of accomplishments.
03/21/2000 : Gold Star Mothers: Helping Others Help Themselves  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 21, 2000 - "I think before we send young men and women anywhere to fight, we'd better be ready to take care of them when they come home," Mary Wheeler said. "I don't mean just token appreciation. I mean take care of them."
03/21/2000 : WWW.Huh?: Offers Services, Convenience      
FORT LEE, Va., March 21, 2000 - Say, for instance, your family has just moved to a new base and you need to know how late the local commissary is open. You could try calling and dealing with the endless choices offered by the mechanical voice on the base switchboard. But wouldn't it be much easier to punch up info about your local store on the Internet without having to go through an elaborate search?
03/21/2000 : Turkey Addition to MTMC Contract Simplifies Vehicle Moves      
INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey, March 21, 2000 - Life got easier March 1 for DoD members moving their privately owned vehicles to or from Turkey.
03/21/2000 : Cohen: Deterrence Key to Diplomacy    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 21, 2000 - "Diplomacy can only succeed if deterrence remains strong," Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said during a recent visit to Seoul, South Korea.
03/21/2000 : Korea Commander Tackles Readiness Challenges      
WASHINGTON, March 21, 2000 - As the new commander of U.N. Command, Republic of Korea/U.S. Combined Forces Command and U.S. Forces Korea, Army Gen. Thomas A. Schwartz has one overriding mission -- be ready to stop an attack from the North.
03/21/2000 : Top U.S. Official Updates Korea Situation      
WASHINGTON, March 21, 2000 - The United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea are trying to normalize relations with North Korea, but now it's up to North Korea to respond, according to the U.S. ambassador to South Korea.
03/20/2000 : U.S., Japan Agree to Fight Incinerator Health Hazard    This story contains audio.  
ATSUGI NAVAL AIR FACILITY, Japan, March 20, 2000 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and Japanese Defense Minister Tsutomu Kawara have outlined an agreement to deal with a problem that has plagued sailors, Marines and their families based here for many years.
03/17/2000 : Joint Vision 2010 Needs for Stronger CinC Voice, Gehman Says      
WASHINGTON, March 17, 2000, March 17, 2000 - While Joint Vision 2010 is the right goal for the U.S. military, the commander of Joint Forces Command fears DoD will be nowhere near that goal on the target date.
03/17/2000 : U.S. Leaders Call for Japan's Support      
TOKYO, March 17, 2000 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen today urged the Japanese people to continue providing host nation support for U.S. forces forward deployed in Japan.
03/17/2000 : Cohen Again Urges China, Taiwan to End War of Words      
TOKYO, March 17, 2000 - On the eve of Taiwan's presidential election, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen again called for an end to the "verbal jousting" between Taiwan and China.
03/17/2000 : Wife Hopes Husband Is Alive After 31 Years  This story contains photos.    
ARLINGTON, Va., March 17, 2000 - Bahar Hess was 24 with a young daughter when her husband's aircraft was shot down over Laos on March 29, 1969. "Hope that he was going to be found" was her initial reaction to the devastating news.
03/17/2000 : Air Force Astronaut Encourages Women to Fly  This story contains photos.    
MEMPHIS, March 17, 2000 - Lending her story to the history and future of female aviators, Air Force Col. Eileen Collins told a group of nearly 3,000 aerospace professionals about her recent mission as commander of space shuttle STS-93 Columbia.
03/16/2000 : Electronic Town Hall Meeting Set March 23      
WASHINGTON, March 16, 2000 - Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre will give DoD personnel an update via the Internet on the Defense Reform Initiative March 23.
03/15/2000 : Symbolic Visit Foretells Positive Future      
HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, March 15, 2000 - Senior Vietnamese leaders said March 15 they want to put the past aside and move into the future when they met U.S. Defense Secretary William S. Cohen.
03/15/2000 : U.S. Aid Effort in Mozambique Hits Full Stride      
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2000 - A total of 700 U.S. service members are now helping provide food, medicine and shelter to thousands of Mozambicans driven from their homes by flooding, Pentagon officials said March 14.
03/15/2000 : Wake Up America, the Force Needs You  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2000 - Over the past three years, Defense Secretary William S. Cohen and his wife, Janet Langhart Cohen, have come to truly admire and appreciate the nation's military. They now want the nation to do the same.
03/14/2000 : No Danger to Troops From Chem Protective Suits      
WASHINGTON, March 14, 2000 - No service member was endangered by DoD issuing 120,000 chemical, biological protective suits in 1996, Defense Logistics Agency Director Army Lt. Gen. Henry T. Glisson said Feb. 28.
03/14/2000 : Cohen: U.S.-Vietnamese Ties Enhance Regional Security    This story contains audio.  
HANOI, Vietnam, March 14, 2000 - "The United States has resolved to move forward with Vietnam in a manner that serves our mutual interests in regional stability, security and prosperity," Defense Secretary William S. Cohen said here March 14.
03/13/2000 : Ethnic Observances Create Better Understanding, Foster Respect      
WASHINGTON, March 13, 2000 - Ethnic and gender observances are needed as long as discrimination and bigotry exist and the contributions and achievements of women and minorities are overlooked and misrepresented, said William Leftwich, deputy assistant secretary of defense for equal opportunity.
03/13/2000 : Cohen Finds 'Business as Usual' in Hong Kong      
HONG KONG, March 13, 2000 - Hong Kong and China seem to have successfully transitioned into "one country, two systems," according to Defense Secretary William S. Cohen.
03/13/2000 : It's Time for U.S.-Vietnam Military Ties, Cohen Says  This story contains photos.    
HANOI, Vietnam, March 13, 2000 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen told reporters his visit here March 13 is a significant step forward in the five-year-old effort to build improved U.S.-Vietnamese relations.
03/13/2000 : DeLeon Urges All DoD Personnel to Answer the Census  This story contains photos.    
MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va., March 13, 2000 - "Because we count!" was the succinct message from Elizabeth Harrington, a sixth grader at the Middle School here, about why Census 2000 is important to Americans.
03/13/2000 : Cohen Reaffirms Full Accounting Promise at Hanoi Dig  This story contains photos.    
HANOI, Vietnam, March 13, 2000 - Even though 33 years have passed, America has not forgotten U.S. Navy Cmdr. Richard Rich, an F-4B Phantom pilot.
03/10/2000 : U.S. Says Sloppy 'Coms' Caused Security Leaks      
KADENA AIR BASE, Japan, March 10, 2000 - U.S. officials say sloppy communications may have caused security leaks during the early days of NATO Operation Allied Force last year.
03/10/2000 : Cohen Calls on China, Taiwan to Reduce Tension      
HONG KONG, March 10, 2000 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen urged China and Taiwan to end their exchange of rhetoric and reconcile peacefully.
03/09/2000 : Military 'Eyes' Laser Surgery Policy      
WASHINGTON, March 9, 2000 - DoD officials have implemented a policy allowing individuals who have had two common forms of laser eye surgery to enter the military with a medical waiver. Individuals who'd had corrective eye surgery were previously ineligible for military service.
03/09/2000 : Reserves Announce Strategic Family Readiness Plan    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 9, 2000 - If you were to visit U.S. troops in the world's hot spots -- Bosnia, Kosovo, East Timor and others -- chances are, you'll meet members of the reserve components. Guardsmen and reservists are increasingly mobilizing for missions only active duty troops did a decade ago.
03/09/2000 : DoD Payroll Savings Plan Adds Inflation-keyed Series I Bonds    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 9, 2000 - Civilian employees can now buy the new inflation-indexed Series I U.S. Savings Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan. Active and retired military members will be able to buy them beginning April 1.
03/09/2000 : Pacific Theater Chief Talks of Regional 'Flashpoints'    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 9, 2000 - U.S. military presence is vital in the Asian-Pacific region, where "flashpoints" abound, according to the nation's top military officer in the Pacific.
03/09/2000 : Cohen, NBA Stars Swap 'War Stories'  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 9, 2000 - If you've served with the military, you probably have "war stories" to tell. Whether you've spent a year in uniform or a career, no one ever forgets basic training or some of the other aspects of duty life.
03/08/2000 : Africa Mission Turns From 'Rescue to Relief'      
WASHINGTON, March 8, 2000 - U.S. military operations in response to flooding in southern Africa are changing from "rescue to relief," DoD spokesman Ken Bacon said March 7.
03/08/2000 : Deploying Women's Health Critical to Mission Success in Peace, War      
ARLINGTON, Va., March 8, 2000 - "We live in a world where we're not just dealing with bombs and bullets, we're dealing with 'the next deep breath could kill you,'" Dr. Sue Bailey recently told an audience here.
03/08/2000 : Cohen to Visit Vietnam, Asian Allies      
WASHINGTON, March 8, 2000 - Ever since Defense Secretary William S. Cohen took office nearly four years ago, he's been waiting for the day he'd visit Vietnam. That day has finally arrived.
03/06/2000 : Base Housing Takes 'Quantum Leap'  This story contains photos.    
LACKLAND AFB, Texas, March 6, 2000 - Air Force Tech. Sgt. Gilbert Telles Jr., his wife, Rosita, and 5-year-old son, Teddy, have a new home. The airman's highest-ranking leader turned over the key to the family's newly constructed, two- bedroom townhouse here, March 2.
03/06/2000 : Hamre: Peace, Stability in Kosovo Everyone's Responsibility  This story contains photos.    
CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo, March 6, 2000 - U.S. officials are concerned about increasing violence in Eastern Kosovo, but believe it's critical that Serbs and ethnic Albanians equally take responsibility for stabilizing the situation, DoD's number- two man said.
03/03/2000 : Ralston Turns Vice Chair Job Over to Myers  This story contains photos.  This story contains audio.  
FORT MYER, Va., March 3, 2000 - An Armed Forces Tribute and Welcoming Ceremony was the occasion of the changeover of the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
03/03/2000 : DoD Slashes Base Sales Price  This story contains photos.    
SAN ANTONIO, March 3, 2000 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen received a standing ovation, Mar. 2 for giving Texans a $102.8 million break on the bill for Kelly Air Force Base.
03/03/2000 : Sports Fans Salute Military Heroes  This story contains photos.    
SAN ANTONIO, March 3, 2000 - Defense Secretary William S. Cohen joined about 16,000 sports fans at the Alamodome to honor three Texas Medal of Honor recipients during half- time of an NBA basketball game March 2.
03/03/2000 : Mandatory Travel Card Date Extended to May 1      
WASHINGTON, March 3, 2000 - Service members and DoD civilians now have until May 1 before use of the government travel credit card is mandatory, DoD officials said today.
03/02/2000 : Defense Security Chief Vows to End Clearance Backlog      
WASHINGTON, March 2, 2000 - Charles Cunningham is the first to acknowledge his goal is daunting, but the head of the Defense Security Service is determined to clear up a backlog of 505,000 background checks for both military and civilian personnel.
03/02/2000 : DoD Boosts Humanitarian Assistance to African Nations (corrected copy)    This story contains audio.  
WASHINGTON, March 2, 2000 - The Pentagon announced today that it’s boosting assistance to African nations recently devastated with flooding by sending in helicopters to aid search and rescue operations.
03/01/2000 : Financial Fitness Coming Your Way  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, March 1, 2000 - In this day and age, one thing's for certain -- you need financial savvy to manage your money well. Besides familiar checking accounts, savings accounts and credit cards, there's online banking, debit cards and the lure of Internet shopping.
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