OGE Seal  
U.S. Office of Government Ethics
Outside Activities Employee Crossword Puzzle
TIP: Be sure the clue you want to solve on the crossword puzzle grid is highlighted and shaded before you type in the letters. For an explanation of the answers, click on the links in the clues located beneath the crossword puzzle.

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1. Some high-ranking employees are restricted in the ________ of money they can receive as outside earned income
4. You are to file and pay these by April 15th
6. You must use an approved ________ if you use your official title when writing an article in a scienific or professional journal as an outside activity
7. This act governs the political activities of executive branch employees
10. Find out if your agency requires ________ approval for outside employment or activities
11. When fundraising in your personal capacity, one type of person from whom you can't solicit money is a ________


1. Only your ________ may authorize you to give an official speech at a fundraiser
2. Don’t use your official ________ when fundraising in your personal capacity
3. Generally you cannot accept money for speaking about your official ________
5. When speaking at a conference as an outside activity you may use your government title as one of several ________ details
8. You can’t have an outside job when it ________ with your official duties
9. Generally when you teach, speak, or write about something related to your job, you have to do it for ________


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