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NOAA produces CoastWatch MODIS ocean color products in near-real time from global data collected by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). These products are provisional and currently provided by NOAA on a "best effort" basis. NOAA obtains Level-0 data from NASA GSFC in 5-minute granules. These Level-0 datasets are processed to geolocated, calibrated radiances (Level 1b) and derived MODIS data products (Level 2) using NASA SeaDAS 'msl12' software. These products are then mapped to the CoastWatch geographic regions.

CoastWatch MODIS ocean color products that are browseable online are currently limited to chlorophyll-a concentration images, but CoastWatch HDF datasets are available which contain 8 nLw bands and the chlorophyll-a product. Use the chlorophyll-a imagery as a guide for the other bands available in the HDF files. These products are available online in CoastWatch HDF, PNG, and GeoTIFF. The color scaling for the chlorophyll-a values is identical to the scaling used in the NOAA CoastWatch SeaWiFS chlorophyll-a product. More information on MODIS ocean data products is available at NASA GSFC Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Center (GES DAAC) .

Products generated by NOAA are of operational quality and will likely differ from the same product generated by NASA. Due to the constraint imposed on near-real time generation, NOAA uses ancillary data, predicted ephemerides, and predicted calibration tables. These ancillary data are different than those used in production of the NASA science products, but the resulting products show good agreement with respect to patterns and gradients which are important for operational applications. Additionally, although NOAA strives to implement the most recent, validated versions of MODIS software on its near-real time processing system, it cannot always achieve this objective and may be running a different version than that implemented on NASA's science processing system. Science quality MODIS ocean color products are available from the NASA GES DAAC.


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The NOAA CoastWatch Program is operated within NOAA's National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service (NESDIS). NOAA is a part of the Department of Commerce (DOC).
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