Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph 2, of the 
Standing Rules of the Senate, I ask unanimous consent to have the 
attached rules and subcommittee memberships for the 110th Congress 
printed in the Congressional Record.
  There being no objection, the material was ordered to be printed in 
the Record, as follows:


       Senator Byrd, as chairman of the Committee, and Senator 
     Cochran, as ranking minority member of the Committee, are ex 
     officio members of all subcommittees of which they are not 
     regular members.

   agriculture, rural development, food and drug administration, and 
                            related agencies

       Senators Kohl, Harkin, Dorgan, Feinstein, Durbin, Johnson, 
     Nelson, Reed, Bennett, Cochran, Specter, Bond, McConnell, 
     Craig, Brownback. (8-7)

            commerce, justice, science, and related agencies

       Senators Mikulski, Inouye, Leahy, Kohl, Harkin, Dorgan, 
     Feinstein, Reed, Lautenberg, Shelby, Gregg, Stevens, 
     Domenici, McConnell, Hutchison, Brownback, Alexander. (9-8)

                         department of defense

       Senators Inouye, Byrd, Leahy, Harkin, Dorgan, Durbin, 
     Feinstein, Mikulski, Kohl, Murray, Stevens, Cochran, Specter, 
     Domenici, Bond, McConnell, Shelby, Gregg, Hutchison. (10-9)

                      energy and water development

       Senators Dorgan, Byrd, Murray, Feinstein, Johnson, 
     Landrieu, Inouye, Reed, Lautenberg, Domenici, Cochran, 
     McConnell, Bennett, Craig, Bond, Hutchison, Allard. (9-8)

               financial services and general government

       Senators Durbin, Murray, Landrieu, Lautenberg, Nelson, 
     Brownback, Bond, Shelby, Allard. (5-4)

                    department of homeland security

       Senators Byrd, Inouye, Leahy, Mikulski, Kohl, Murray, 
     Landrieu, Lautenberg, Nelson, Cochran, Gregg, Stevens, 
     Specter, Domenici, Shelby, Craig, Alexander. (9-8)

     department of the interior, environment, and related agencies

       Senators Feinstein, Byrd, Leahy, Dorgan, Mikulski, Kohl, 
     Johnson, Reed, Nelson, Craig, Stevens, Cochran, Domenici, 
     Bennett, Gregg, Allard, Alexander. (9-8)

  departments of labor, health and human services, and education, and 
                            related agencies

       Senators Harkin, Inouye, Kohl, Murray, Landrieu, Durbin, 
     Reed, Lautenberg, Specter, Cochran, Gregg, Craig, Hutchison, 
     Stevens, Shelby. (8-7)

                           legislative branch

       Senators Landrieu, Durbin, Nelson, Allard, Alexander. (3-2)

    military construction and veterans affairs, and related agencies

       Senators Johnson, Inouye, Landrieu, Byrd, Murray, Reed, 
     Nelson, Hutchison, Craig, Brownback, Allard, McConnell, 
     Bennett. (7-6)

            state, foreign operations, and related programs

       Senators Leahy, Inouye, Harkin, Mikulski, Durbin, Johnson, 
     Landrieu, Reed, Gregg, McConnell, Specter, Bennett, Bond, 
     Brownback, Alexander. (8-7)

 transportation and housing and urban development, and related agencies

       Senators Murray, Byrd, Mikulski, Kohl, Durbin, Dorgan, 
     Leahy, Harkin, Feinstein, Johnson, Lautenberg, Bond, Shelby, 
     Specter, Bennett, Hutchison, Brownback, Stevens, Domenici, 
     Alexander, Allard. (11-10)

         Senate Appropriations Committee Rules--110th Congress

                              i. meetings

       The Committee will meet at the call of the Chairman.

                              ii. quorums

       1. Reporting a bill. A majority of the members must be 
     present for the reporting of a bill.
       2. Other business. For the purpose of transacting business 
     other than reporting a bill or taking testimony, one-third of 
     the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
       3. Taking testimony. For the purpose of taking testimony, 
     other than sworn testimony, by the Committee or any 
     subcommittee, one member of the Committee or subcommittee 
     shall constitute a quorum. For the purpose of taking sworn 
     testimony by the Committee, three members shall constitute a 
     quorum, and for the taking of

[[Page S2254]]

     sworn testimony by any subcommittee, one member shall 
     constitute a quorum.

                              iii. proxies

       Except for the reporting of a bill, votes may be cast by 
     proxy when any member so requests.

           iv. attendance of staff members at closed sessions

       Attendance of staff members at closed sessions of the 
     Committee shall be limited to those members of the Committee 
     staff who have a responsibility associated with the matter 
     being considered at such meeting. This rule may be waived by 
     unanimous consent.

        v. broadcasting and photographing of committee hearings

       The Committee or any of its subcommittees may permit the 
     photographing and broadcast of open hearings by television 
     and/or radio. However, if any member of a subcommittee 
     objects to the photographing or broadcasting of an open 
     hearing, the question shall be referred to the full Committee 
     for its decision.

                vi. availability of subcommittee reports

       To the extent possible, when the bill and report of any 
     subcommittee are available, they shall be furnished to each 
     member of the Committee thirty-six hours prior to the 
     Committee's consideration of said bill and report.

                  vii. amendments and report language

       To the extent possible, amendments and report language 
     intended to be proposed by Senators at full Committee markups 
     shall be provided in writing to the Chairman and Ranking 
     Minority Member and the appropriate Subcommittee Chairman and 
     Ranking Minority Member twenty-four hours prior to such 

                         viii. points of order

       Any member of the Committee who is floor manager of an 
     appropriations bill, is hereby authorized to make points of 
     order against any amendment offered in violation of the 
     Senate Rules on the floor of the Senate to such 
     appropriations bill.

                       ix. ex officio membership

       The Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the full 
     Committee are ex officio members of all subcommittees of 
     which they are not regular members but shall have no vote in 
     the subcommittee and shall not be counted for purposes of 
     determining a quorum.
