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U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP)

Education and Training Center/International


Our onsite and online education and training programs draw substantially on the Institute's extensive research and experience in the analysis, prevention, and resolution of conflict, as well as post-conflict peacebuilding—all with a particular emphasis on conflict management and resolution skills. Our onsite programs are tailored to meet specific objectives that we develop in advance with partner organizations, and are typically designed to help participants meet a range of learning objectives:

- Analyzing the life cycles of conflicts, from escalation through post-conflict transition

- Developing effective, interest-based negotiation skills and applying them in culturally diverse contexts

- Learning how to work successfully with or as a third party, including techniques of conciliation, facilitation, and mediation
  Sudan Workshop
Participants in Sudan discuss a case study.

Sudan Workshop
Participants in Kosovo in negotiation



Our programs are designed to challenge participants with difficult but engaging skills-building exercises, to foster collaboration through paper-based and computer-mediated simulations, to broaden networks of individuals involved in conflict management, and to address real-world problems faced by participants using a range of structured, problem-solving methodologies. Our programs typically feature:

- Hands-on exercises that draw on the experience of participants themselves

- Interactive panel discussions that feature highly-experienced academics and practitioners

- Engaging online learning and simulations that make innovative use of new media and technology
Sudan Workshop
Senior Program Officer Jacki Wilson
at a workshop in Sudan.

Sudan Workshop
Senior Program Officer Ted Feifer
discusses problem-solving methodologies.

United States Institute of Peace - 1200 17th Street NW - Washington, DC 20036
+1.202.457.1700 (phone) - +1.202.429.6063 (fax)