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Regional Resources

Kashmir Web Links

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information generally on conflict in Kashmir. For related web links, see Terrorism/Counterterrorism Web Links and Regional Resources: Asia.

These links complement the following Special Reports:

  1. The Political Economy of the Kashmir Conflict: Opportunities for Economic Peacebuilding and for U.S. Policy
  2. India and Pakistan Engagement: Prospects for Breakthrough or Breakdown?
  3. Quickstep or Kadam Taal? The Elusive Search for Peace in Jammu and Kashmir.

These links also complement the conflict resolution simulation exercise on Kashmir for the state-level high school winners of the National Peace Essay Contest in June 2002.

General Resources

The sites below collect links to other Internet resources which describe the background, history and current events in Kashmir.

Government Agencies and International Organizations



South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

United Nations

United States

Maps and Guides

  • Kashmir Maps
    Maps from the Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection of the University of Texas at Austin. These maps, produced by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and other sources, include country, city, regional and historical maps.
  • Jammu and Kashmir Maps
    Topics and physical maps of Jammu and Kashmir from MapsofIndia.com include maps of tourist areas, minerals, agriculture, railway network, etc.
  • Maps: jammukashmir.net
    Two- and three-dimensional maps of Jammu and Kashmir collected on jammukashmir.net show the region of Kashmir from various points of view.

Media and News Sources

  • BBC News | In Depth | Kashmir Flashpoint
    Part of the BBC In Depth series, the collection of current news reports, analysis, country and individual profiles, a timeline from 1947 on, video and audio files covers the situation in Kashmir. Also includes key questions about the conflict, maps showing a number of future Kashmir scenarios, background information and an examination of the India-Pakistan military balance.
  • Kashmir Newspapers and News Sites
    Links to world newspapers, magazines, and news sites in English, sorted by country and region, from world-newspapers.com.
  • Kashmir Times
    Online version of daily newspaper, "the oldest and largest circulated newspaper of Jammu and Kashmir with a total readership of two million."
  • South Asia Newspapers Online
    Links to newspapers online in English and the indigenous languages of South Asia, from the University of California at Berkeley Library.
  • Yahoo News: Full Coverage: Kashmir Dispute
    Numerous links to news sources, stories from various wire services, reports in audio and video, and related web sites for the situation in Kashmir.

Selected Documents, Research and Political Resources


Updated: June 2, 2005

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