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Dr. Alex H. Lacerda

NHMFL - LANL Director
LANL, Administration

Phone: 505 - 665-6504
Alt. Phone: 505 - 669-0947
Fax: 505 - 665-4311
Address: C115 TA35 TSL 127 MS E536
Los Alamos , NM 87545-

Disclaimer: The information presented below was automatically generated from a database. In the rare instance of an exact name match, it is possible that a citation is inaccurately attributed. The listing should therefore be considered unofficial. To report a mismatched publication, contact IMsystems@magnet.fsu.edu.

Publications and Scientific Activities

##Peer-Reviewed Publications
1 Ho, P.C.; Butch, N.P.; Zapf, V.S.; Yanagisawa, T.; Frederick, N.A.; Kim, S.K.; Yuhasz, W.M.; Maple, M.B.; Betts, J.B. and Lacerda, A.H., The high field ordered phase and upper critical field of the filled skuterrudite system Pr(Os1-xRux)4Sb12, J. Phys. -Condens. Mat., 20, 215226 (2008)
2 Harrison, N.; Sebastian, S.E.; Mielke, C.H.; Paris, A.; Gordon, M.J.; Swenson, C.A.; Rickel, D.G.; Pacheco, M.S.; Ruminer, P.F.; Schillig, J.B.; Sims, J.R.; Lacerda, A.H.; Suzuki, M.-T.; Harima, H. and Ebihara, T., Fermi Surface of CeIn3 above the Neel Critical Field, Phys. Rev. Lett., 99, 056401-1-4 (2007)
3 Jurelo, A.R.; Andrade, S.; Jardim, R.F.; Fonseca, F.C.; Torikachvili, M.S.; Lacerda, A.H. and Ben-Dor, L., Effect of Ir substitution in the ferromagnetic superconductor RuSrGdCu2O8, Physica C, 454 (1-2), 30-37 (2007)
4 Zapf, V.S.; Batista, C.D.; Murphy, T.; Palm, E.D.; Jaime, J.; Tozer, S.; Lacerda, A.H. and Paduan-Filho, A., Magnetostriction in the Bose-Einstein Condensate Quantum Magnet NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, J. Appl. Phys., 101, 09106 (2007)
5 Bud'ko, S.L.; Wiener, T.A.; Ribeiro, R.A.; Canfield, P.C.; Lee, Y.; Vogt, T. and Lacerda, A., Effect of pressure and chemical substitution on the charge-density-wave in LaAgSb2, Phys. Rev. B, 73, 184111 (2006)
6 Schmiedeshoff, G.M.; Lounsbury, A.W.; Luna, D.J.; Tracy, S.J.; Schramm, A.J.; Tozer, S.W.; Correa, V.F.; Hannahs, S.T.; Murphy, T.P.; Palm, E.C.; Lacerda, A.H.; Bud'ko, S.L.; Canfield, P.C.; Smith, J.L.; Lashley, J.C. and Cooley, J.C., Versatile and compact capacitive dilatometer, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 77, 123907 (2006)
7 Sebastian, S.E.; Zapf, V.S.; Harrison, N.; Batista, C.D.; Sharma, P.A.; Jaime, M.; Fisher, I.R. and Lacerda, A.H., Comment on "Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in Cs2CuCl4", Phys. Rev. Lett., 96 (18), 189703 (2006)
8 Suslov, A.; Ketterson J.B.; Sarma, B.K.; Balakirev F.; Migliori, A. and Lacerda, A., Ultrasonic instrumentation for measurements in high magnetic fields. Part II: pulsed magnetic fields, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 77 (3), 035105 (2006)
9 Zapf, V.S.; Zocco, D.; Hansen, B.R.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Batista, C.D.; Kenzelmann, M.; Niedermayer, C.; Lacerda, A. and Paduan-Filho, A., Bose-Einstein Condensation of S = 1 Nickel Spin Degrees of Freedom in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 077204 (2006)
10 Alsmadi, A.M.; El-Khatib, S.; de Chatel, P.F.; Nakotte, H.; Lacerda, A.H.; Jung, M.H.; Andreev, A.V.; Honda, F. and Sechovsky, V., Magnetic Field effects in UNi1/3Ru2/3Al, J. Appl. Phys., 97 (10), 10919-1-3 (2005)
11 Butch, N.P.; Yuhasz, W.M.; Ho, P.C.; Jeffries, J.R.; Frederick, N.A.; Sayles, T.A.; Zheng, X.G.; Maple, M.B.; Betts, J.B. and Lacerda, A.H.; et al., Ordered magnetic state in PrFe4Sb12 single crystals, Phys. Rev. B, 71 (21), 214417-1-11 (2005)
12 Correa, V.F.; Okraku, W.E.; Betts, J.B.; Migliori, A.; Sarrao, J.L. and Lacerda, A.H., High-magnetic-field thermal expansion and elastic properties of CeRhIn5, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 012407 (2005)
13 Ho, P.C.; Yuhasz, W.M.; Butch, N.P.; Frederick, N.A.; Sayles, T.A.; Jeffries, J.R.; Maple, M.B.; Betts, J.B.; Lacerda, A.H. and Rogl, P., et al., Ferromagnetism and possible heavy-fermion behavior in single crystals of NdOs4Sb12, Phys. Rev. B, 72 (9), 094410 (2005)
14 Jung, M.H.; Alsmadi, A.M.; Chang, S.; Fistzsimmons, M.R.; Zhao, Y.; Lacerda, A.H.; Kawanaka, H.; El-Khatib, S. and Nakotte, H., Magnetic ordering in single-crystalline SrLaFeO4 and Sr1.1La0.9FeO4, J. Appl. Phys., 97 (10), 10919-1-3 (2005)
15 Ronning, F.; Capan, C.; Bianchi, A.; Movshovich, R.; Lacerda, A.H.; Hundley, M.F.; Thompson, J.D.; Pagliuso, P.G. and Sarrao, J.L., Field-tuned quantum critical point in CeCoIn5 near the superconducting upper critical field, Phys. Rev. B, 71 (10), 104528 (2005)
16 Silhanek, A.V.; Harrison, N.; Batitsta, C.D.; Jaime, M.; Lacerda, A.H.; Amitsuka, H., and Mydosh, J.A., Quantum critical 5f electrons avoid singularities in U(Ru,Rh)2Si2, Phys. Rev. Lett., 95, 0264031 (2005)
17 Alsmadi, A.M.; Jung, M.H.; Lacerda, A.H.; Svoboda, P. and Nakotte, H., Magnetic phase transitions in NdCu2 under pressure, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 274-276 (1), 470-2 (2004)
18 Andreev, A.V.; Honda, F.; Sechovsky, V.; El-Khatib, S.; Alsmadi, A.M.; Nakotte, H. and Lacerda, A.H., Electronic properties of UCoAl0.75Sn0.25 single crystal, J. Alloy Compd., 375 (1-2), 67-71 (2004)
19 Bianchi, A.D.; Movshovich, R.; Capan, C.; Lacerda, A.H.; Pagliuso, P.G. and Sarrao, J.L., FFLO superconducting state in CeCoIn5, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 272-276 (1), 140-1 (2004)
20 Correa, V.F.; Tung, L.; Hollen, S.M.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Moreno, N.O.; Lashley, J.C.; Sarrao, J.L. and Lacerda, A.H., Anisotropic manifestation of short-range magnetic correlations in Ce0.6La0.4RhIn5, Phys. Rev. B, 69, 174424 (2004)
21 Fonseca, F.C.; Souza, J.A.; Jardim, R.F.; Muccillo, R.; Muccillo, E.N.S.; Gouvea, D.; Jung, M.H. and Lacerda, A.H., Transport properties of La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3 compounds with different interfaces, J. European Ceramic Society, 24 (6), 1271-5 (2004)
22 Morosan, E.; Bud'ko, S.L.; Canfield, P.C.; Torikachvili, M.S. and Lacerda, A.H., Thermodynamic and transport properties of RAgGe (R=Tb-Lu) single crystals, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 277 (3), 298-321 (2004)
23 Oomi, G.; Kagayama, T.; Smith, J.L.; Lacerda, A.H.; Kaji, S. and Ohashi, M., Effect of pressure on intermediate valence states in cerium Kondo compounds, J. Rare Earths, 22 (1), 7-12 (2004)
24 Schmiedeshoff, G.M.; Dulguerova, D.; Quan, J.; Touton, S.; Mielke, C.H.; Christianson, A.; Lacerda, A.H.; Palm, E.; Hannahs, S.T.; Murphy, T.; Gay, E.C.; McPheeters, C.C.; Hults, W.L. and Cooley, J.C. Magnetotransport and superconductivity of alpha-uranium, Philos. Mag. B, 84 (19), 2001 (2004)
25 Singleton, J.; Mielke, C.H.; Migliori, A.; Boebinger, G.S. and Lacerda, A.H., The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory Pulsed-Field Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Physica B, 346-347, 614-617 (2004)
26 Alsmadi, A.M.; Nakotte, H.; Sarrao, J.L.; Jung, M.H. and Lacerda, A.H., Pressure and magnetic field effects in CeNiGe2, J. Appl. Phys., 93 (10), 8343-8345 (2003)
27 Andrade, S.; Fonseca, F.C.; Jardim, R.F.; Bossi, I.; Torikachvili, M.S.; Lacerda, A.H. and Ben-Dor, L., Superconductivity in magnetically ordered Ru1-xIrxSr2GdCu2O8 Compounds, Brazilian J. of Physics, 33 (4), 686-689 (2003)
28 Boebinger, G.S. and Lacerda, A.H., The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory, J. Low Temp. Phys., 133 (1-2), 121-138 (2003)
29 Fonseca, F.C.; Souza, J.A.; Jardim, R.F.; Muccillo, R.; Muccillo, E.N.S.; Gouvea, D.; Jung, M.H. and Lacerda, A.H., Transport properties and phase separation in La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3 ceramics, Physica Status Solidi A-Applied Research, 199 (2), 255-264 (2003)
30 Ho, P.C.; Frederick, N.A.; Zapf, V.S.; Bauer, E.D.; Do, T.D.; Maple, M.B.; Christianson, A.D. and Lacerda, A.H., High-field ordered and superconducting phases in the heavy-fermion compound PrOs4Sb12, Phys. Rev. B, 67 (18), 180508 (2003)
31 Honda, F.; Alsmadi, A.M.; Sechovsky, V.; Kamarad, J.; Nakotte, H.; Lacerda, A.H. and Mihalik, M., Effect of pressure on the electrical resistivity and magnetism in UPdSn, High Pressure Research, 23 (1-2), 177-180 (2003)
32 Jung, M.H.; Alsmadi, A.; Kim, H.C.; Bang, Y.Y.; Ahn, K.H.; Umeo, K.; Lacerda, A.H.; Nakotte, H.; Ri, H.C. and Takabatake, T., Superconductivity in magnetically ordered CeTe1.82, Phys. Rev. B, 67 (21), 212504 (2003)
33 Maple, M.B.; Ho, P.C.; Frederick, N.A.; Zapf, V.S.; Yuhasz, W.M.; Bauer, E.D.; Christianson, A.D. and Lacerda, A.H., Superconductivity and the high-field ordered phase in the heavy-fermion compound PrOs4Sb12, J. Phys. -Condens. Mat., 15 (28), S2071-S2080 (2003)
34 Nakotte, H.; Chang, S.; Alsmadi, A.M.; Jung, M.H.; Lacerda, A.H.; Prokes, K.; Bruck, E. and Mihalik, M., Hard-axis magnetoresistance and metamagnetic transition in UPdSn, Acta Physica Polonica B, 34 (2), 987-990 (2003)
35 Alsmadi, A.M.; Sechovsky, V.; Jung, M.H.; Lacerda, A.H.; Prokes, K.; Kamarad, J.; Bruck, E.; Chang, S. and Nakotte, H., Hybridization and pressure effects in UTX compounds, J. Appl. Phys., 91, 8123 (2002)
36 Bao, W.; Aeppli, G.; Christianson, A.D.; Fisk, Z.; Hundley, M.F.; Lacerda, A.H.; Lynn, J.W.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Sarrao, J.L. and Thompson, J.D., Magnetic properties of heavy fermion superconductors CeRhIn5 and Ce2ThIn8, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 16 (20-22), 3244-3249 (2002)
37 Bao, W.; Christianson, A.D.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Sarrao, J.L.; Thompson, J.D.; Lacerda, A.H. and Lynn, J.W., Effect of La-doping on magnetic structure in heavy fermion CeRhIn5, Physica B, 312, 120-122 (2002)
38 Chang, S.; Nakotte, H.; Alsmadi, A.M.; Lacerda, A.H.; Jung, M.H.; Mihalik, M.; Prokes, K.; Klaasse, J.C.P.; Bruck, E. and DeBoer, F.R., High-field magnetization longitudinal and transverse magnetoresistance of UIrGe, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 16 (20-22), 3041-3044 (2002)
39 Christianson, A.D.; Lacerda, A.H.; Hundley, M.; Pagliuso, P.G. and Sarrao, J.L., Magnetotransport of CeRhIn5, Phys. Rev. B, 6605 (5), 4410-4412 (2002)
40 Christianson, A.D.; Lacerda, A.H.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Moreno, N.O.; Hundley, M.F. and Sarrao, J.L., High field magnetotransport heavy electron in Ce1-xLaxRhIn5 Alloys, Physica B, 312, 241-243 (2002)
41 Christianson, A.D.; Lacerda, A.H.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Moreno, N.O.; Hundley, M.F. and Sarrao, J.L., High field magnetotransport in CeRh1-xIrxIn5 heavy electron alloys, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 16 (20-22), 3045-3048 (2002)
42 Cornelius, A.L.; Lawrence, J.M.; Ebihara, T.; Riseborough, P.S.; Booth, C.H.; Hundley, M.F.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Sarrao, J.L.; Thompson, J.D.; Jung, M.H.; Lacerda, A.H. and Kwei, G.H., Two energy scales and slow crossover in YbAl3, Phys. Rev. Lett., 88 (11), 7201 (2002)
43 Honda, F.; Sechovsky, V.; Mikulina, O.; Kmarad, J.; Alsmadi, A.M.; Nakote, H. and Lacerda, A.H., High pressure apparatus for transport properties study in high magnetic field, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 16 (20-22), 3330-3333 (2002)
44 Jung, C.U.; Kim, H.-J.; Park, M.S.; Kim, M.-S.; Kim, J.Y.; Du, Z.; Lee, S.I.; Kim, K.H.; Betts, J.B.; Jaime, M.; Lacerda, A.H. and Boebinger, G.S., Effects of unreacted Mg impurities on the transport properties of MgB2, Physica C, 377 (1-2), 21-25 (2002)
45 Jung, M.H.; Harrison, N.; Lacerda, A.H.; Nakotte, H.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Sarrao, J.L. and Thompson, J.D., Magnetocrystalline anisotropy in a single crystal of CeNiGe2, Phys. Rev. B, 66 (5), 4420 (2002)
46 Jung, M.H.; Harrison, N.; Lacerda, A.H.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Sarrao, J.L. and Thompson, J.D., Anisotropic properties of single-crystalline CeNiGe2, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 16 (20-22), 3050-3053 (2002)
47 Jung, M.H.; Inoue, I.H.; Nakotte, H. and Lacerda, A.H., High-field properties of single-crystalline CaVO3, Philos. Mag. B, 82 (7), 801 (2002)
48 Jung, M.H.; Lacerda, A.H. and Takabatake, T., Magnetic and Transport Properties of the Antiferromagnetic Kondo-Lattice Compound CeNiBi2, Phys. Rev. B, 65 (13), 2405 (2002)
49 Jung, M.H.; Lacerda, A.H.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Sarrao, J.L. and Thompson, J.D., Systematic study of anisotropic properties of CeNiGe2, J. Appl. Phys., 91, 8522 (2002)
50 Jung, M.H.; Lawrence, J.; Ebihara, T.; Hundley, M.F. and Lacerda, A.H., Hall Effect and Magnetotransport of YbAl3, Physica B, 312, 354 (2002)
51 Kim, K.H.; Betts, J.B.; Jaime, M.; Lacerda, A.H.; Boebinger G.S.; Jung, C.U.; Kim, H.-J.; Park, M.-S. and Lee, S., Mg as a main source for the diverse magnetotransport properties of MgB2, Phys. Rev. B Rapid Commun., 66 (02), 020506 (2002) [read online]
52 Kim, K.H.; Betts, J.B.; Jaime, M.; Lacerda, A.H.; Boebinger, G.S.; Jung, C.U.; Kim, H.-J.; Kim, M.-S.; Kim, J.K.; Du, Z. and Lee, S.-I., Mg as a main source for the diverse magnetotransport properties of MgB2, Proc. Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields - IV, 4, 289 (2002)
53 Pagliuso, P.G.; Moreno, N.O.; Curro, N.J.; Thompson, J.D.; Hundley, M.F.; Sarrao, J.L.; Fisk, Z.; Christianson, A.D.; Lacerda, A.H. and Light, B.E., Ce-site dilution studies in the antiferromagnetic heavy fermions CemRhnIn3m+2n (m=1,2; n=0,1), Phys. Rev. B, 6605 (5), 4433-4435 (2002)
54 Schmiedeshoff, G.M.; Touton, S.; Beyermann, W.P.; Lacerda, A.H.; Bud'ko, S.L. and Canfield, P.C., Magnetotransport and the magnetic phase diagram of superconducting ErNi2B2C, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 16 (20-22), 3212-3215 (2002)
55 Suslov, A.; Dasgupta, D.; Feller, J.R.; Jaime, M.; Balakirev, F.; Hinks, D.G.; Migliori, A.; Lacerda, A.; Ketterson, J.B. and Sarma, B.K., Acoustical Measurements of Heavy Fermion Compounds in Pulsed Magnetic Fields, Physica B, 312-313, 224 (2002)
56 Suslov, A.; Dasgupta, D.; Feller, J.R.; Sarma, B.K.; Ketterson, J.B.; Hinks, D.G.; Jaime, M.; Balakirev, F.; Migliori, A. and Lacerda, A., Ultrasonic measurement of the metamagnetic transition in URu2Si2, Proc. Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields - IV, 4, 127 (2002)
57 Suslov, A.; Dasgupta, D.; Feller, J.R.; Sarma, B.K.; Ketterson, J.B.; Hinks, D.G.; Jaime, M.; Balakirev, F.; Migliori, A. and Lacerda, A., Ultrasonic measurements at the metamagnetic transition in URu2Si2, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 16, 3037-3040 (2002)
58 Bao, W.; Lacerda, A.H.; Thompson, J.D.; Honig, J.M. and Metcalf, P., Phase transitions in a magnetic field in V2-yO3 (y=0 and 0.04): art. no. 052410, Phys. Rev. B, 6305 (5), 2410 (2001)
59 Boebinger, G.; Lacerda, A.H.; Schneider-Muntau, H.J. and Sullivan, N.S., The Pulsed Magnetic Field Laboratory of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Physica B, B294 (294-295), 512-518 (2001)
60 Bud'ko, S.L.; Petrovic, C.; Lapertot, G.; Cunningham, C.E.; Canfield, P.C.; Jung, M-H and Lacerda, A.H., Magnetoresistance and Hc2(T) in MgB2, Phys. Rev. B Rapid Commun., 63 (22), 503 (2001)
61 Chang, S.; Jung, M.H.; Nakotte, H.; Bruck, E.; Klaasse, J.C.P.; Mihalik, M.; Lacerda, A.H.; Prokes, K.; Torikachvili, M.S. and Schultz, A.J., Electronic properties of UIrGe in high magnetic fields, J. Appl. Phys., 89 (11), 7186 (2001)
62 Christianson, A.D.; Bud'ko, S.L.; Schmiedeshoff, G.M.; Beyermann, W.P.; Canfield, P.C.; Boebinger, G.S. and Lacerda, A.H., High field c-axis magnetotransport of single crystal YbNi2B2C, Physica B, 294, 225-228 (2001)
63 Harte, F.; San Martin, M.F.; Lacerda, A.H.; Lelieveld, H.L.M.; Swanson, B.G. and Barbosa-Canovas, G.V., Potential use of 18 T, static and pulsed magnetic fields on Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, J. Food Processing and Preservation, 25 (3), 223-235 (2001)
64 Jung, M.H.; Jaime, M.; Lacerda, A.H.; Boebinger, G.S.; Kang, W.N.; Kim, H.J.; Choi, E.M. and Lee, S.I., Anisotropic Superconductivity in Epitaxial MgB2 Films, Chem. Phys. Lett., 343, 447 (2001)
65 Prokes, K.; Bartaschevich, M.I.; Goto, T.; Nakotte, H.; Haanappel, E.G.; Syshchenko, A.; de Boer, F.R.; Lacerda, A.H.; Perreira, L.C.J. and Sechovsky, V., Metamagnetic transition in U2Pd2In, Physica B, 294, 288-291 (2001)
66 Sandim, M.J.R.; Suzuki, P.A.; Lacerda, A.H.; Torikachvili, M.S. and Jardim, R.F., Magnetoresistance at high magnetic fields in superconducting granular Sm1.83Ce0.17CuO4-y compounds, Physica C, 354 (1-4), 279-283 (2001)
67 Schmiedeshoff, G.M.; Detwiler, J.A.; Beyermann, W.P.; Lacerda, A.H.; Canfield, P.C. and Smith, J.L., Critical fields and specific heat of LuNi2B2C: art. no. 134519, Phys. Rev. B, 6316 (13), 4519- (2001)
68 Torikachvili, M.S.; Jardim, R.F.; Chang. S.; Christianson, A.; Muccillo, R.; Nakotte, H. and Lacerda, A.H., Magnetoresistance measurements in UCu4+xAl8-xcompounds, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 226-230, 45-47 (2001)
69 Torikachvili, M.S.; Lacerda, A.H.; Sarrao, J.L. and Fisk, Z., Magnetic properties of the dense Kondo system CeB6 in high magnetic fields, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 226-230 (1), 145-147 (2001)
70 Detwiler, J.A.; Smiedeshoff, G.M.; Harrison, N.; Lacerda, A.H.; Cooley, J.C. and Smith, J.L., Magnetization of UBe13 to 60 T, Phys. Rev. B, 61, 402 (2000)
71 Mikulina, O.; Kamarad, J.; Lacerda, A.; Syshchenko, O.; Fujita, T.; Prokes, K.; Sechovsky, V.; Nakotte, H.; Beyerman, W. and Menovsky, A.A., Pressure effects on antiferromagnetism in UNiAl, J. Appl. Phys., 87 (9), 5152-4 (2000)
72 Mikulina, O.; Syshchenko, O.; Lacerda, A.H.; Nakotte, H.; Kamarad, J.; Beyermann, W.P.; Havela, L. and Sechovsky, V., Magnetic phase transitions in UNiGe under pressure, Physica B, 281-282 (June), 206-7 (2000)
73 Nakotte, H.; Chang, S.; Torikachvili, M.S.; Bordallo, H.N.; Lacerda, A.H. and Takabatake, T., Magnetism in single-crystalline CePtSn, Physica B, 281-282 (June), 103-4 (2000)
##Presentations, Posters & Abstracts
1 Alsmadi, A.; Zapf, V.; Fabris, F.; Didn, T.D.; Lacerda, A. and Kamarad, J., Pressure and magnetic field effects in heavy-fermion UCu3.5Al1.5, American Physical Society March Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March (2008)
2 Alsmadi, A.M.; Adak, S.; Nasreen, F.; Nakotte, H.; Mielke, C.H.; McDonald, R.; Zapf, V. and Lacerda, A., Complex Conductivity of UTX Compounds in High Magnetic Fields, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, TX, November (2008)
3 Francoual, S.; Correa, V.; Tozer, S.; Lacerda, A., et al., High magnetic field and low temperature dilatometry study of the itinerant electron metamagnet compound URu2-xRhxSi2 x = 4 %, Workshop on Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, May 4-8 (2008) [read online]
4 Nasreen, F.; Alsmadi, A.M.; Zapf, V.; Fabris, F.; Dial, T.D.; Lacerda, A.; Kamarad, J.; Kothapalli, K. and Nakotte, H., Pressure and magnetic field effects in heavy-fermion UCu3.5Al1.5, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, TX, November (2008)
5 Paduan-Filho, A.; Al-Hassanieh, K.A.; Sengupta, P.; Zapf, V.S.; Jaime, M.; Lacerda, A.H. and Kenzelmann, M., Critical Behavior of the Magnetization in the Spin-gapped System NICl2-4SC(NH2)2, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, TX, November (2008)
6 Fabris, F.; Zapf, V.S., Lacerda, A.H.; Pureur, P.; Schaf, J.; Vieira, V. and Campbell, I., The Chiral anomalous Hall Effect in re-entrant Au-Fe alloys, American Physical Society March Meeting, Denver, CO, March 5-7 (2007); Published in Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 52 (1) (0)
7 Martin, C.; Purcell, K.; Murphy, T.; Palm, E.; Tozer, S.; Zapf, V.S.; Lacerda, A.H. and Paduan-Filho, A., Bose-Einstein condensation of Ni spin degrees of freedom observed from susceptibility measurements at high magnetic field in NiCI2-4SC(NH2)2, American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17 (2006)
8 Paduan-Filho, A.; Zapf, V. S.; Zocco, D.; Hansen, B.R.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Batista, C.D.; Kenzelmann, M.; Niedermayer, C. and Lacerda, A., Condensação de Bose-Einstein de Magnons em NiCl2.4SC(NH2)2, Seminario Do Departament de Fisica dos Materials e Mecanica, Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 24 (2006)
9 Zapf, V.S.; Correa, V.; Zocco, D.; Batista, C.D.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Murphy, T.; Lacerda, A.H. and Paduan-Filho, A., Bose-Einstein Condensation and Magnetostriction in the Quantum Magnet NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, American Physical Society March Meeting 2006, Baltimore, MD, March 13-17 (2006)
10 Zapf, V.S.; Correa, V.; Zocco, D.; Batista, C.D.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Murphy, T.; Lacerda, A.H. and Paduan-Filho, A., Quantum Magnetism in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, PITP-Les Houches Summer School on Quantum Magnetism, Les Houches, France, June (2006)
11 Correa, V.F.; Betts, J.; Migliori, A.; Sarrao, J.L.; Lacerda, A. and Okraku, W.;, Thermal-expansion and elastic properties of CeRhIn5 and YbInCu4 in high magnetic fields, American Physical Society March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 21-25 (2005)
12 Lacerda, A.H., Correlated Electron Systems at Extreme B-fields, Colloquium, Seoul University, Seoul, South Korea, March 12 (2005)
13 Lacerda, A.H., Electrons and Lattice Behavior in High Magnetic Fields, Colloquium, Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles, Paris, France, November (2005)
14 Lacerda, A.H., High Magnetic Field Research: Macro-Magnets & Nano-Tools, 10th Int. Symposium on Advanced Physical Fields, Tsukuba, Japan, March 6-8 (2005)
15 Lacerda, A.H., Neutron, X-Ray, and High B: The Ultimate Experimental Tool, International Materials Network, Cancun, Mexico, August (2005)
16 Lacerda, A.H., Possible Science at 100T, Colloquium, Dresden High Field Laboratory, Dresden, Germany, November (2005)
17 Lacerda, A.H., Quantum Critical Point and the Gruneisen Parameter, Colloquium, Van Der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November (2005)
18 Lacerda, A.H., Research in High Magnetic Fields: 60T and Beyond, Colloquium, ISSP, MegaGauss Laboratory, Kashiwa, Japan, March 10-11 (2005)
19 Lacerda, A.H., The NHMFL at LANL, Chemistry Division Postdoctoral and Students Seminar, Los Alamos, NM, USA, December (2005)
20 Lacerda, A.H., The NHMFL Short Pulse Magnet Program, Colloquium, Toulouse High Field Laboratory, Toulouse, France, November (2005)
21 Lacerda, A.H., The NHMFL's Users Program, Colloquium, Nijmegen High Field Laboratory, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, November (2005)
22 Lacerda, A.H., The NHMFL's Users Program, Colloquium, KBSI, Daejon, South Korea, March (2005)
23 Zapf, V. S.; Zocco, D.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Lacerda, A.; Batista, C. D.; Paduan-Filho, A.; Murphy, T. and Palm, E, Tuning the Bose-Einstein Condensate in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, Oxford University, Oxford, England, August (2005)
24 Zapf, V.S.; Zocco, D.; Batista, C.D.; Murphy, T.; Palm, E.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Lacerda, A. and Paduan-Filho, A., Bose-Einstein Condensation of Spins in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Jose, CA, October 30-November 3 (2005)
25 Zapf, V.S.; Zocco, D.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Lacerda, A.; Batista, C.D. and Paduan-Filho, A., Bose-Einstein Condensation in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, Int. Conf. on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Vienna, Austria, July (2005)
26 Zapf, V.S.; Zocco, D.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Lacerda, A.; Batista, C.D. and Paduan-Filho, A., Field-Induced Ordering in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, March (2005)
27 Zapf, V.S.; Zocco, D.; Jaime, M.; Harrison, N.; Lacerda, A.; Batista, C.D.; Paduan-Filho, A.; Murphy, T. and Palm, E., Bose-Einstein Condensation in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2, Advanced Workshop, Cargese, France, August 8-20 (2005)
28 Correa, V.F.; Tung, L.; Hollen, S.M.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Moreno, N.O.; Lashley, J.C.; Sarrao, J.L. and Lacerda, A.H., Anisotropic manifestation of short-range magnetic correlations in Ce9.6La0.4RhIn5, American Physical Society March Meeting, Montreal, Canada, March 22-24 (2004)
29 Correa, V.F.; Tung, L.; Hollen, S.M.; Pagliuso, P.G.; Moreno, N.O.; Lashley, J.C.; Sarrao, J.L. and Lacerda, A.H., Short-range magnetic correlations and crystal electric field effects in Ce0.6La0.4RhIn5, Gordon Research Conf. on Correlated Electron Systems, South Hadley, MA, June 20-25 (2004)
30 Schneider-Muntau, H.J.; Crow, J.E.; Lacerda, A.H. and Sullivan, N.S., The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory: A User Facility Providing the Highest Magnetic Fields to the International Science Community, Second Int. Conf. of the African Materials Research, Univbersity of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, December 8-11 (2003)
31 Lacerda, A.H., Macro Magnets Micro-Nano Tools: Condensed Matter Physics, CEA, Grenoble, France, June 13 (2002)
32 Lacerda, A.H., Nano and Macro Tools for Condensed Matter Physics, invited talk, NSF-EU Workshop, Grenoble, France, June 12 (2002)
33 Lacerda, A.H., Physics at Extreme Conditions: High Magnetic Fields and Very Low Temperatures, FZR, Dresden, Germany, February 14 (2002)
34 Lacerda, A.H., Poor Metals and Very Large Magnets, invited talk, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany, February 6 (2002)
35 Lacerda, A.H., The NHMFL Users Program, DOE Workshop on Large User Facilities, Gaithersburg, MD, June 7 (2002)
36 Sarma, B.K.; Suslov, A.; Dasgupta, D.; Feller, J.R.; Ketterson, J.B.; Hinks, D.G.; Jaime, M.; Balakirev, F.; Migliori, A. and Lacerda, A., High field ultrasonics in UPt3 and URu2Si2, StatPhys-Kolkata IV, Kolkata, India, January 14-19 (2002)
37 Suslov, A.; Dasgupta, D.; Feller, J.R.; Sarma, B.K.; Ketterson, J.B.; Hinks, D.G.; Jaime, M.; Balakirev, F.; Migliori, A.; Mielke, C. and Lacerda, A., Ultrasonic measurements in URu2Si2, American Physical Society March Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, March 18-20 (2002)
38 Honda, F.; Sechovsky, V.; Mikulina, O.; Kamarad, J.; Alsmadi, A.M.; Nakotte, H. and Lacerda, A.H., High pressure apparatus for transport properties study in high magnetic field, Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Field IV, Sweeney Convention Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 19-25 (2001)
39 Kim, K.H.; Betts, J.B.; Jaime, M.; Lacerda, A.H.; Boebinger, G.S.; Jung, C.U.; Kim, H.-J.; Park, M.-S. and Lee, S., Mg as a main source for the diverse magnetotransport properties of MgB2, Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields - IV, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 22-27 (2001)
40 Lacerda, A.H., Anisotropic Superconductivity of MgB2, Institute of Physics - University of Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo - Brazil, May 23 (2001)
41 Lacerda, A.H., How Difficult/Easy It Is to Run an International User Program, LNCM - Toulouse, France, Toulouse, France, July 3 (2001)
42 Lacerda, A.H., MgB2: Another BCS Superconductor?, 5th Workshop on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, September 6 (2001)
43 Lacerda, A.H., Physics at Extreme Conditions: High Magnetic Fields and Very Low Temperatures, 24th Brazilian Condensed Matter Meeting, Sao Lourenco, Minas Gerais - Brazil, May 15-18 (2001)
44 Lacerda, A.H., Physics at High Magnetic Fields, Univeristy of Buenos Aires, Low Temperature Laboratory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 11 (2001)
45 Boebinger, G., Lacerda, A. H., Schneider-Muntau, H. J., and Sullivan, N., The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory's Pulsed Field Facility in Los Alamos, RHMF 2000, Porto, Portugal, August (2000)
##Books, Chapters, Reviews and Other One-Time Publications
1 Boebinger, G.; Fisk, Z.; Gor'kov, L.P.; Lacerda, A. and Schrieffer, J.R., editors, "Proceedings of Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields - IV", (World Scientific), Singapore, 2002.

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