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APTS Holds 2009 Board Elections
board roomAPTS recently mailed out ballots to its member stations to vote for the 2009 Board of Trustees.

Under the provisions of the Association’s bylaws, three Lay Trustees and three Professional Trustees are to be elected by the members for terms of office beginning in February 2009 and expiring in 2012.

Three nominees for Lay Trustee and five nominees for Professional Trustee are proposed by the Nominating Committee.
Members are reminded that all ballots be postmarked no later than January 19, 2009.

For more information, contact Tammye Heatley at 202 654-4213, tammye@apts.org.


WNET.org Partners With Kaltura, Providing Face-to-Face Conversation on Issues Around the World

WNET.orgWNET.org and Kaltura Inc. have partnered to allow users to participate in an online conversation about international news items and issues from around the world, using Kaltura's collaborative open source video technology.

Kaltura's video platform powers the Worldfocus.org "Talk to US" section, where users can upload videos from their computer, or record directly from their webcam, to express their opinions on specific topics.

 “'Worldfocus” is geared toward bringing international news to local audiences both via the nightly television program and the Worldfocus.org Website.  By partnering with international news organizations, "Worldfocus" reports on events from around the world and covers the stories that don't always make the headlines on commercial and cable newscasts, according to WNET. The nightly news program and Website inform American viewers about the relevance of international events and encourage viewers to get involved and join the discussion.
Kaltura's open source video platform now powers more than 10,000 sites worldwide -- from a small personal blogger looking to present slideshows of pictures from his recent family trip, to leading media companies broadcasting episodes of their new series.


PBS’s ‘NewsHour’ Awarded $3.5 Million Grant to Expand Global Health Coverage

“The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer” announced  that public broadcaster WETA, its co-producer, has received a three-year, $3.5 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to establish a dedicated “NewsHour” production unit to report on important global health issues.  “The NewsHour” currently maintains a domestic health and health policy reporting unit supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

The Gates Foundation grant will enable “The NewsHour”  to significantly expand its broadcast and online coverage of major global health issues affecting developing nations, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, measles and neglected diseases.  “The NewsHour” will also report on how global health challenges are being addressed from both scientific and public policy perspectives.

Over the three-year life of the grant, “NewsHour” correspondents will travel around the world to produce approximately 40-50 documentary style reports on major global health issues.
Click here for complete news release.

APTS Mourns the Passing of Kermit Boston, Lay Vice Chair of the APTS Board

Kermit BostonKermit Boston, Lay Vice Chair of the APTS Board, passed away on Sunday, November 23, at his home in San Francisco.  See Obituary

“We are truly blessed to have had Kermit in our lives,” said APTS Board of Trustees Chair John Hesse. “His presence and leadership was such a positive influence on everyone and everything that he was associated with,” Hesse said.  “He was a true gentleman, and an outstanding board member for APTS.”

Kermit had a strong commitment to public television, as demonstrated through his dedication and service to KQED, San Francisco, and through his six years of service on the APTS Board of Trustees (2002-2008). Recognizing the tremendous potential of television to impact people’s lives, Kermit was committed to creating a diverse, inclusive public television service that both educated and enriched the lives of the communities we serve.

Elected to the APTS Board in February 2003, Kermit provided essential leadership to the Association not only as Lay Vice Chair, but also as Chairman of the Finance & Membership Committee, as co-Chairman of the CEO Search Committee, as a member of the Executive Committee, and as APTS/PBS Board Liaison.

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