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Found 54 studies with search of:   "Ketorolac"
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1 Recruiting ON-Q Pump Infusion of Ketorolac and Ropivacaine at the Wound Site for Postoperative Pain Management
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: Ketorolac;   Drug: Ketorolac and Ropivacaine
2 Recruiting Effect of Spinal Ketorolac on Mechanical Hypersensitivity After a Total Hip Replacement
Condition: Hip Arthroplasty
Interventions: Drug: ketorolac tromethamine opthalmic solution;   Drug: placebo
3 Recruiting Effect of Spinal Ketorolac After Acute Opioid Exposure
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Drug: ketorolac;   Drug: placebo;   Drug: remifentanil;   Drug: remifentanil
4 Completed Use of Ketorolac in Management of Post-Operative Pain After Heart Surgery
Condition: Pain Management Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
Interventions: Drug: Ketorolac;   Other: Placebo
5 Not yet recruiting Intravenous Ketorolac for Postoperative Pain in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Conditions: Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy;   Kidney Stones
Interventions: Drug: Ketorolac;   Drug: Placebo
6 Not yet recruiting Intravenous Ketorolac for Postoperative Pain in Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
Conditions: Nephrectomy;   Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
Interventions: Drug: Ketorolac;   Drug: Placebo
7 Recruiting A Comparison of Bupivacaine and Ketorolac for Postoperative Analgesia After Iliac Crest Bone Harvesting
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: Ketorolac;   Drug: Bupivacaine;   Drug: ketorolac + bupivacaine
8 Completed Topical 0.4% Ketorolac and Vitreoretinal Surgery
Condition: Surgery
Intervention: Drug: Ketorolac
9 Terminated Ketorolac Versus Ibuprofen to Treat Painful Episodes of Sickle Cell Disease
Conditions: Hematologic Diseases;   Anemia, Sickle Cell
Interventions: Drug: Intravenous Ketorolac;   Drug: Ibuprofen
10 Completed Platelet Function and Safety After IV and Oral Diclofenac, IV Ketorolac and Oral Aspirin in Adult Volunteers
Condition: Healthy
Interventions: Drug: intravenous diclofenac sodium (DIC075V);   Drug: ketorolac;   Drug: oral diclofenac (Cataflam);   Drug: aspirin
11 Not yet recruiting Modulation of Remifentanil-Induced Postinfusion Hyperalgesia
Condition: Hyperalgesia, Secondary
Interventions: Other: Placebo;   Drug: Remifentanil;   Drug: Ketorolac and remifentanil;   Drug: Parecoxib and remifentanil
12 Withdrawn Intrathecal Ketorolac in Patients With Intrathecal Morphine Dose Escalation
Condition: Pain
Interventions: Drug: ketorolac;   Drug: morphine
13 Not yet recruiting RCT on Ketorolac and Tramadol in Bone Fractures Pain of Child
Conditions: Fracture;   Pain
Interventions: Drug: ketorolac;   Drug: tramadol
14 Completed Efficacy and Safety of Intranasal Ketorolac for the Acute Treatment of Migraine
Condition: Migraine
Intervention: Drug: Ketorolac
15 Completed Comparison of Acular LS Versus Nevanac for Pain Control in Eyes Undergoing PRK
Conditions: Myopia;   Hyperopia
Interventions: Drug: ketorolac (Acular LS);   Drug: Nepafenac (Nevanac)
16 Enrolling by invitation Efficient Study of ACULAR in Inhibiting Proliferative Retinopathy in Prematurity
Conditions: Retinopathy of Prematurity;   Retinal Detachment;   Blindness
Interventions: Drug: ACULAR;   Drug: REFRESH TEARS;   Drug: placebo
17 Terminated Postoperative Analgesia After Total Knee Arthroplasty
Condition: Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee
Interventions: Drug: Ropivacaine, Ketorolac, adrenaline;   Drug: Ropivacaine Ketorolac
18 Completed Effect of Prophylactic Ketorolac on CME After Cataract Surgery
Condition: Macular Edema, Cystoid
Intervention: Drug: ketorolac tromethamine 0.5% (Acular®)
19 Recruiting Bromfenac 0.09% vs Ketorolac 0.4% for Cyclosporine Induction Phase
Conditions: Dry Eye Disease;   Ocular Comfort
Interventions: Drug: bromfenac;   Drug: ketorolac
20 Completed Safety and Efficacy of Multiple Doses of Intranasal Ketorolac in Postoperative Pain Following Major Abdominal Surgery
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Intervention: Drug: Ketorolac Tromethamine

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