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Found 7 studies with search of:   "Flurbiprofen"
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1 Completed Flurbiprofen Tape for Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain
Condition: Chronic Low Back Pain
Interventions: Drug: Flurbiprofen Tape;   Drug: Flurbiprofen Placebo Tape;   Drug: Flurbiprofen Placebo Tape;   Drug: Flurbiprofen Tape
2 Completed Flurbiprofen Axetil for Uterine Contraction Pain
Condition: Postoperative Pain
Interventions: Drug: Saline;   Drug: Flurbiprofen Axetil
3 Completed Local Flurbiprofen to Treat Pain Following Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Condition: Pain
Intervention: Drug: Flurbiprofen
4 Not yet recruiting The Efficacy and Safety of PerioChip Plus (Flurbiprofen/Chlorhexidine) Formulation in the Therapy of Adult Periodontitis
Condition: Periodontitis
Intervention: Drug: flurbiprofen/chlorhexidine
5 Completed A Placebo-Controlled Study to Investigate the Safety, and Pharmacokinetics of Oral GSK626616AC in Healthy Subjects
Condition: Healthy Subjects
Interventions: Drug: GSK626616, placebo, midazolam;   Drug: omeprazole, caffeine, flurbiprofen, rosiglitazone
6 Active, not recruiting R-Flurbiprofen in Treating Patients With Localized Prostate Cancer at Risk of Recurrence
Condition: Prostate Cancer
Interventions: Drug: R-flurbiprofen;   Procedure: adjuvant therapy
7 Completed Comparison of Pain Therapeutic Effects After Benign Mastectomy
Condition: Pain, Postoperative
Interventions: Drug: Saline;   Drug: Opioid;   Drug: Opioid;   Drug: NSAID;   Drug: NSAID;   Drug: Opioid;   Drug: Opioid

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