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Topic: Home > President Bush

President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Great Britain
President Bush on Friday said, "The United States has got a great friendship with Great Britain. And you and I .. - 9.7KB
26 Sep 08
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President Bush Discusses U.S. Ocean Action Plan
President Bush on Friday said, "I believe that the research that's going on and the actions that will be taken by this administration ... - 22.2KB
26 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Singh of India
President Bush on Thursday said, "You and I have worked hard to change the relationship between our countries. India is a .. - 11.6KB
25 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with Bicameral and Bipartisan Members of Congress to Discuss Economy
President Bush on Thursday said, "We are in a serious economic crisis in the country if we don't pass a .. - 6.7KB
25 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority
President Bush on Thursday said, "You and I have met a lot since I have been the President and you have been the President. .. - 8.3KB
25 Sep 08
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President Bush Discusses Free Trade with Western Hemisphere Leaders
President Bush on Wednesday said, "Today our countries are launching the Pathways to Prosperity in the Americas Initiative to ... - 8.7KB
24 Sep 08
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President Bush and President Saca of El Salvador Discuss Temporary Protected Status
President Bush on Wednesday said, "I'm proud to make this announcement with you standing by my side. You've .. - 6.7KB
24 Sep 08
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President and Mrs. Bush Meet with Dissidents
President Bush on Tuesday said, "Laura and I and Secretary Rice and members of my administration have just had a wonderful lunch .. - 9.9KB
23 Sep 08
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President Bush Meets with President Talabani of Iraq and Iraq Coalition
President Bush on Tuesday said, "Mr. President, it is a pleasure to be with you and it's a pleasure to be with .. - 7.6KB
23 Sep 08
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President Bush Exchanges Toasts at U.N. General Assembly Dinner
President Bush on Tuesday said, "Mr. Secretary General, this is my eighth chance to welcome you to New York, and I .. - 8.3KB
23 Sep 08
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