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Research, Best Practices, and Legislation:

In 1984 the National Organ Transplant Act prohibited the sale of human organs.

Keep up with legal issues, policy trends, new research results, and upcoming research funding opportunities for the organ donation and transplantation community.

Grant Activities


  • Social and Behavioral Interventions to Increase Organ and Tissue Donation funds implementation and evaluation of promising strategies and approaches for increasing organ and tissue donation. Strong research protocols are required. Public and nonprofit private consortia of at least two types of organizations, a transplantation/donation-related organization and a research-related organization, are eligible to apply. Applications were due March 5. 2007 Program details | 2006 grantees
  • State Donor Registry Support funds States without a statewide donor registry and/or without a capacity to register through motor vehicle licensing offices to develop such a registry. Applications were due March 30. 2007 Program details
  • Public Education Efforts to Increase Organ and Tissue Donation funds the implementation of public education strategies to increase organ and tissue donation as evidenced by increased enrollment in State donor registries or by other means where a State registry is unavailable. 2007 application guidance
  • Clinical Interventions to Increase Organ Procurement funds implementation, evaluation, and dissemination of clinical interventions with the greatest potential for increasing organ procurement in the uncontrolled donation following circulatory determination of death (D CDD) setting. Public and nonprofit private consortia of a least two type of organizations, a transplantation/donation-related organization and a research-related organization, are eligible to apply. Applications not currently being accepted. 2007 application guidance | 2006 grantees

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US Department of Health & Human Services