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Environmental Program

Offshore Program

Environmental Program
Branch of Environmental Assessment
Branch of Environmental Sciences
Environmental Studies Program
Oil Spill Modeling Program
Environmental Studies Program Information System
Social Science in MMS
Environment and Hydrates
Scientific Committee
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This page last updated:
July 14, 2008

Environmental Division

Environmental Program

The environmental staff is involved in all phases of OCS activity, from the development of the 5-Year Program through platform removals. A special goal of the Environmental Program is to develop workable solutions for those industry activities that could adversely affect environmental resources. This allows development to continue while the environment is safeguarded. The work is accomplished through the Environmental Sciences Program and the Environmental Assessment Program, and the Environmental Compliance Unit.

Program Overview - A description of our broad program goals and objectives.

Staff Directory - How to contact us, including names, titles, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Site Directory - An outline of the contents of our site.

ESPIS - Environmental Studies Program Information System - All completed ESP Studies: Full Text, Online, Right Now.

Environmental Reports - Recent publications from the Environmental Program.

MMS Library & Reading Room - Environmental Section - Direct link to many Environmental (HQ and Regional) publications and other useful stuff.


Environmental Assessment Program - A description of the program's essential functions, including the 5-year leasing program, compliance with laws, and cooperative efforts.


Environmental Compliance Unit - An explanation of environmental compliance and essential functions that support our mandate under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act.



Environmental Sciences Program - description of our program, including history, partnerships, products and program direction.


Social Science in MMS - A description of social science in MMS, materials from the 1999 Social and Economic Planning Conference,  relevant technical summaries, profiles of ongoing studies, and other materials.


Scientific Committee Meetings - Materials from the annual meetings.

For more information, contact Ravenna Westphal.


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