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  Welcome to US Registration Certificates (multiple marks)

This allows you to download or print US Registration Certificates for individual or multiple registered marks.

A PDF Viewer is required to view or print all retrieved US Registration Certificates.

All items denoted by * are required.
Enter up to 25 US Registration Numbers    What is a US Registration Number? [new window]


  1. Enter only United States Registration Numbers.

  2. Up to 25 numbers can be entered, separated by a space, a semicolon, or by pressing the "enter" key.

  3. If multiple certificates are downloaded, they will be combined into a single PDF file.

Selecting the "Download and Save as PDF File" below will create a single PDF file containing up to 25 US Registration Certificates. You will be prompted to indicate where on your computer you would like to save this file.

Selecting the "Print to My Printer" button will send up to 25 US Registration Certificates to any designated printer connected to your local computer. If you do not have a printer connected to your computer, you should choose the download option instead.

For your convenience, all links in the left hand side of the portal will open in new windows. Context-sensitive help (information graphic information links) will appear in a new window.
If you need help: NOTE: Within any e-mail, please include your telephone number so we can talk to you directly, if necessary. Also, include the relevant serial number or registration number, if existing.