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ArrowMillikelvin Facility: Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Q: Will I get a helium transfer over the weekend while running my experiment?
A: Yes, mK personnel will provide one helium transfer per day on Saturday and Sunday. Staff personnel provide this service on a rotating basis.

Q: What is the maximum sweep rate for the power supply?
A: 0.66 tesla/minute.

Q: What type of thermometer works best at 1.5 K to 300 K?
A: Cernox.

Q: What type of thermometer works best at 0.02 K to 1.5 K?
A: RuO.

Q: When does my experiment time end?
A: Monday morning starts new magnet time for the next user. You should immediately pull your probe on Monday morning unless you have made arrangements with the next scheduled user and mK personnel. New magnet time typically starts at 9:00 a.m.

Q: What is that cracking sound around the magnets during a helium transfer?
A: During a helium transfer there is a tendency for ice to form on top of the magnets. The sound you hear is the ice cracking. It poses no danger to the user or lab worker.

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