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Magnet Lab at night
The Magnet Lab at night.

The Magnet Lab is jointly operated for the National Science Foundation by Florida State University, the University of Florida and Los Alamos National Laboratory (with sites at each of those locations) under a cooperative agreement that establishes the lab’s goals and objectives. FSU, as the signatory of the agreement, is responsible for establishing and maintaining administrative and financial oversight of the lab, and ensuring that the operations are in line with the objectives outlined in the cooperative agreement.

  • Gregory Boebinger serves as director and principal investigator of the Magnet Lab. He oversees the Magnet Science and Technology Program, the activities of the Applied Superconductivity Center, as well as the associate directors. In addition, Boebinger currently serves as Acting Associate Director for User Programs. In this capacity he oversees user operations and facilities, and the in-house research and visiting scientist programs.
  • Brian Fairhurst serves as Associate Director for Management and Administration of the Magnet Lab. He oversees public affairs, education, facilities and safety, human resources, Web outreach, computer support, budgeting and other administrative functions.

Five senior faculty members serve as co-principal investigators on the NSF grant:

  • Tim Cross (FSU), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Program Director and Professor of Chemistry
  • Arthur Edison (UF), Associate Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, McKnight Brain Institute Faculty
  • Alex Lacerda (LANL), Interim Division Leader, LANL Materials & Physics Applications Division
  • Alan Marshall (FSU), Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ICR) Program Director
  • Neil Sullivan (UF), Professor of Physics

The lab’s scientific direction is overseen by the Science Council, a multi-disciplinary group of distinguished faculty from all three sites that serves as a think tank to consider and help guide the lab’s scientific mission.

Two external committees meet regularly to provide critical advice on important issues. Reflecting the broad range of scientists who conduct research at the lab, the Users Committee provides guidance on the development and use of facilities and services in support of the work of those scientists. The External Advisory Committee, made up of representatives from academia, government and industry, offers advice on matters critical to the successful management of the lab.

See the lab’s organizational chart (PDF) for more detail of how the lab is managed.

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1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32310 - 3706

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Email: Magnet Lab Webmaster