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National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32310-3706

If you're with the media

Visit: Media Center
Contact: Susan Ray, Director of Public Affairs
Email: sray@magnet.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 644-9651

If you're a scientist interested in using our facilities

Visit: Users Hub

If you'd like a tour (teachers)

Visit: Tours for Students
Contact: Felicia Chavez, Program Assistant
Email: chavez@magnet.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 645-0034

If you'd like a tour (general public)

Visit: Public Tours
Contact: Felicia Chavez, Program Assistant
Email: chavez@magnet.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 645-0034

To find a Magnet Lab employee

Visit: Personnel Search
Contact: Bettina Roberson, Human Resources Manager
Email: roberson@magnet.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 644-0855

Employment opportunities

Visit: Career Opportunities
Contact: Bettina Roberson, Human Resources Manager
Email: roberson@magnet.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 644-0855

If you're a student or teacher

Visit: Center for Integrating Research and Learning
Contact: Pat Dixon, Director
Email: pdixon@magnet.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 644-4707

For all other inquiries

Contact: Sharon Dyal, Receptionist, Director's Office
Email: dyal@magnet.fsu.edu
Phone: (850) 644-0311

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© 1995 - 2009 National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
1800 E. Paul Dirac Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32310 - 3706

Phone: (850) 644 - 0311
Fax: (850) 644 - 8350
Email: Magnet Lab Webmaster