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Research & Development

Ann M. Bartuska, Deputy Chief
David A. Cleaves, Associate Deputy Chief
Daina Apple, Staff Assistant

About Forest Service Research & Development

 Chantarelle Mushroom The research and development (R&D) arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service works at the forefront of science to improve the health and use of our Nation's forests and grasslands. Research has been part of the Forest Service mission since the agency's inception in 1905. Today, some 500-plus Forest Service researchers work in a range of biological, physical, and social science fields to promote sustainable management of Nation's diverse forests and rangelands. Their research covers a lot of territory, with programs in all 50 states, U.S. territories, and commonwealths. The work has a steady focus on informing policy and land management decisions, whether it addresses invasive insects, degraded river ecosystems, or sustainable ways to harvest forest products. The researchers work independently and with a range of partners, including other agencies, academia, nonprofit groups, and industry. The information and technology produced through basic and applied science programs is available to the public for its benefit and use.

Research and Development is made up of major areas. They are:

Climate Change Discover what the Forest Service’s Research and Development program is doing about climate change in your region of the country.



Forest Inventory & Analysis

Forest Inventory and Analysis reports on status and trends in forest area and location; in the species, size, and health of trees; in total tree growth, mortality, and removals by harvest; in wood production and utilization rates by various products; and in forest land ownership. The enhanced FIA program will include information relating to tree crown condition, lichen community composition, soils, ozone indicator plants, complete vegetative diversity, and coarse woody debris.

The program is managed by the Research & Development organization within the USDA Forest Service in cooperation with State and Private Forestry and National Forest System. FIA has been in operation under various names (Forest Survey and Forest Inventory and Analysis) for some 70 years. The program covers forests on all forest lands within the U.S. The program is implemented in cooperation with a variety of partners including State Forestry Agencies and private landowners who grant access to their lands for data collection purposes.

Visit the FIA site at:


Other Forest Service Research & Development Topics:

US Forest Service
Last modified September 26, 2008

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.