HRSA - Health Resources and Service Administration U.S. Department of Health & Human Services    


To determine the readiness of your data collection system for reporting client-level data in the required format, please complete the form below.

Organization Name: 
Organization ZIP Code: 
Your Name: 
Your Email: 
Technical Contact Name1
Technical Contact Email: 
Indicate your organization type(s):If you are a grantee or provider, indicate all Ryan White funding sources you receive:     

Select all of the situations that apply:
SITUATION 1: If you use one of the following participating vendor systems to collect data, please check this box and then select the system(s) you use below. No special action is required by you at this time. You will be able to export data from your system in the required format. HRSA is currently working with representatives of these vendors to develop this capability.
Please check all participating systems that you or your provider's use:
 AIRS ARIES CAREWare Casewatch Millenium eCOMPAS LabTracker Provide Enterprise Sage
SITUATION 2: If you use a home-grown or customized system/database that is maintained by your organization, or you do not know what system you use, please check this box and then provide more information on your software solution below (e.g., Access, FileMaker, SQL Server, etc.). You will need to get the client level data elements out of your system and into the proper XML format. An individual familiar (or able to become familiar) with the structure of your database should write the necessary program to extract data from your system and transform it into the XML schema format. The necessary XML schema definition files can be requested below.
Please specify all systems or databases that you or your provider's use:
SITUATION 3: If you use a vendor system not listed in Situation 1 above (e.g., Centricity, NextGen, EPIC, or another electronic medical records system), please check this box, and then provide the name of the system(s) below. The vendor will need to modify their system to create the required XML file; or you will need to extract the data and create the required XML file; or you will need to replace your current vendor system with a partcipating vendor system.
Please specify all systems that you or your provider's use:
SITUATION 4: If you are a software vendor developing or enhancing a system to provide client-level data, and would like to become a participating2 vendor, please check this box. Then, contact Stefani Olsen or Michael Dols at either of the email addresses listed at the botton of this form. The XML schema can be requested by checking the box, “Email me a copy of the XML schema definitions” below.
Email me a copy of the XML schema defintions - The XML schema definitions are intended for use by technical programming personnel1.
1The technical contact or technical programming personnel is the person or persons who are responsible for developing software applications in order to generate the client-level data export.
2Participating vendors have agreed to create and distribute an enhancement to their systems that will allows users to export the required client level data in the correct format.


The current version of the XML Schema was released on 02 October 2008 01:15 AM EDT.
For project support, contact Stefani Olsen at For technical support, contact Michael Dols at