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Public Health Strategic Health Care Group

Office of Public Health Surveillance and Research

Office of Public Health Surveillance and Research (OPHSR)

The Office of Public Health Surveillance and Research (OPHSR) includes programs associated with influenza and Hospital Associated Infection (HAI), surveillance and public health research. Surveillance program initiatives include HAI and syndromic surveillance, characterization of organisms/infections of epidemiologic significance, and antimicrobial usage and decision support. Research activities include cataloguing VA public health research accomplishments and representing and promoting VA participation in public health research initiatives by fostering successful partnerships between funding agencies and VA investigators. In addition, OPHSR facilitates and provides regulatory oversight for VA investigators involved in HIV and HCV research projects using the Clinical Case Registry (CCR). Major collaborations within VA include Office of Research and Development, Patient Care Services (Infectious Disease Program Office, infection control programs and laboratory service). Outside agency collaborations include National Health Surveillance Network (NHSN) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Johns Hopkins University, and Stanford University.


Healthcare-Associated Infections and Syndromic Surveillance (HAIISS)

The mission and purpose of the Healthcare Associated Infection Influenza Surveillance System (HAIISS) project is to improve the clinical care of veterans by monitoring and providing routine reports on healthcare associated infections, flu-like syndromes, and other infections of epidemiological significance. The functions of the HAIISS project are as follows:

  • Establish and manage a comprehensive electronic surveillance system to monitor healthcare associated infections, influenza, and other emerging infectious diseases.
  • Summarize and disseminate, on a routine basis, national surveillance reports on healthcare.
  • Work collaboratively with Office of Infectious Disease, Office of Patient Care Services and other relevant partners to develop and initiate programs and products that support best public health practices.


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The Public Health Strategic Health Care Group is a part of the Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards