What information can I view in TDR?

TDR (Trademark Document Retrieval) displays the electronic file wrapperdefinition - electronicfilewrapper of U.S. trademark applications, applications for Extensions of Protection, and U.S. trademark registrations. It also displays information contained in the USPTO records regarding International Registrations and applications for International Registration filed under the Madriddefinition - Madrid system through the United States.

The USPTO is in the process of converting all file records into a digital format to permit access via TDR. This conversion process is expected to take several years. Currently, you can access almost all pending applicationsdefinition - application and Madrid Protocoldefinition - Madrid filings, as well as many registrationsdefinition - registration via TDR. However, some older trademark records may be incomplete:

A very small number of pending trademark applications that have been outside the regular Trademark Operation for several years (such as those involved in proceedings with the TTAB) are incomplete in the TDR database. These files will all be uploaded into the TDR database as we receive them, but no later than September 2005.

Some documents pertaining to Trademark Trial and Appeal Board proceedings that are not accessible in TDR may be available using TTABVUE.

Applications that abandoned prior to 01 April 2003 may not be in the TDR database, or may be incomplete.

Information regarding prosecution history and current status may be accessed from the link to TARRdefinition - tarr located in the left frame of the TDR web page.

If you have a question as to whether a TDR record is complete, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center, at 1-800-786-9199, or e-mail your question to TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov.

If you would like to request that a particular record be added to the TDR database, you may e-mail your request to TM_Scanning@uspto.gov. Please note that:

USPTO FAQ - Questions and Answers (11MAR2005)