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United States African Development Foundation


ID- USADF's internal document tracking code for a particular investment.

- the name of the client group that received a USADF grant in a given country and the primary activity.

Description -
a summary of the how the investment will be used. This entry links to the actual investment description document defining the objectives and performance targets of the investment.
Goals - This entry links to a PDF file of the orginal investment agreement with project goals and objectives.

Value - Total Original US Dollar value of the grant and any budget amendements.
Budget - This entry links to the original investment budget denominated in local currency at the time the grant was awarded.

Start - the date the funds were obligated to the grantee.

End - the last day of the period during which USADF funds will be used to implement an approved investment proposal.

Click on Link Below to see additional details ... View Swaziland Project Map here.

1579 Swaziland Farmer Development Foundation photos Funds are used to strengthen support for agricultural associations and increase food security by providing training, rehabilitating and developing infrastructure in areas under cultivation, acquiring eqipment and developing a marketing organization.
Sep-04 Sep-10
1608 Africa Cooperative Action Trust photos Funds are used to support the development of backyard gardens for home consumption and commercial sale of produce; funds are used to acquire equipment and improve storage facilities and agricultural inputs, support HIV/AIDS infected/affected people and develop a marketing organization.
Jun-05 Jun-10
1653 Swaziland Assn Crime Prevent Rehab Offenders Funds are used to improve operational, management capacity and replicate the fence-making project as well as establishing a revolving loan fund.
Sep-05 Sep-07
1658 Regional Excellence Development Initiative    Cooperative Agreement funds are used to provide technical assistance and monitoring oversight to existing USADF projects and aid new project reviews.
Feb-06 Dec-08
1666 Sengani Dairy Association   Funds are used for strengthening the management capacity of an existing Dairy Association, including development of a marketing strategy and an assessment of the potential to expand production, and development of pasteurized products.
Jul-06 Jul-08
1698 Basolile Investments (Pty) Ltd. photos FFunds are used for the expansion of the irrigable portion of the farm, acquisition of farm implements, development of an export crop, training, establishment of a farm office and formalization of support to neighboring care points for HIV/AIDS affected orphans and vulnerable children.
Sep-06 Sep-11
1701 Manzini Youth Care (MYC) photos Funds are used to establish a honey processing plant, support existing beekeepers/beekeeping Associations, train new farmers in beekeeping and hive management, and contribute toward the income generating activities of the parent non-profit, MYC, which supports vulnerable peri-urban youth.
Sep-06 Sep-11
1711 Luyengo Dairy Association  Funds are used for strengthening the management capacity of an existing Dairy Association, including development of a marketing strategy and an assessment of the potential to expand production.
Sep-06 Jun-08
1863 Luyengo Dairy Association This USADF funded project is a follow-up to the successfully implemented EDI grant and will support the expansion of the Association. 
Sep-08 Sep-13

CA = See Cooperative Agreement for Details

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Last Updated: January 9, 2009