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United States African Development Foundation


ID- USADF's internal document tracking code for a particular investment.

- the name of the client group that received a USADF grant in a given country and the primary activity.

Description -
a summary of the how the investment will be used. This entry links to the actual investment description document defining the objectives and performance targets of the investment.
Goals - This entry links to a PDF file of the orginal investment agreement with project goals and objectives.

Value - Total Original US Dollar value of the grant and any budget amendements.
Budget - This entry links to the original investment budget denominated in local currency at the time the grant was awarded.

Start - the date the funds were obligated to the grantee.

End - the last day of the period during which USADF funds will be used to implement an approved investment proposal.

Click on Links Below to see additional details ... View Liberia project map here.

1712 Gbandi Farmers Cooperative Society (GFCS)     Cooperative of small cocoa and coffee farmers is using funds to improve governance and conduct market research.
Sep-06 Mar-08
1713 Technocrats United  Reconstruct and Dev Inc. photos Local nonprofit construction services provider is using grant to improve business management capacity and develop a five-year strategic plan.
Sep-06 Mar-08
1714 Terraville Gardens, Inc.   photos                   Tropical flower exporter is using funding to renovate its farm buildings, improve financial management, and engage international buyers. technical study
Sep-06 Mar-08
1716 M.D. Sow & Associates Enterprise              Partnership of cattle herders and beef traders is using grant to strengthen planning, management and marketing capacity.
Sep-06 Mar-08
1730 WUDARBO, Incorporated                         Cooperative Agreement funds are used to provide technical assistance and monitoring oversight to existing USADF projects and aid new project reviews
Feb-07 Feb-08
1739 Monrovia Fishing Corporation Monrovia seafood seller is using investment to repair fishing boat, improve financial management, and meet European Union import standards.
Mar-07 Sep-08

Chabural Enterprises, Inc.


Small producer of wooden furniture for local schools and businesses is investing grant in new carpentry equipment and business management assistance.
Mar-07 Mar-08
1741 Venture Industrial and Construction Co., Inc. Local construction services provider is using funds to strengthen management capacity, procure technical assistance, and develop a business plan.
Mar-07 Mar-08
1769 Ro-Zi's Inc.             Local catering enterprise will invest funds in the establishment of a commercial kitchen to grow the business and increase employment.
Sep-07 Sep-12
1773 Libra Sanitation, Inc.  Local waste management company will use grant to procure additional trucks and expand its operations outside Monrovia.
Sep-07 Sep-12
1776 Robertsport Fishmongers Association (RFMA) photos Local fish suppliers' cooperative will use grant to modernize its distribution and expand its membership.
Sep-07 Mar-09
1806 T.R. Enterprises, Inc Farming equipment supplier is using funding to engage in value-added importing and assemby of agricultural processing machines.
Sep-07 Sep-09


Panta Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society

The USADF investment will finance rehabilitation of the Society’s oil palm plantation, working capital for new seedlings, warehouse construction, transport vehicle procurement, quality control training for members, and reconstruction of the plantation access road.





Pulukpeh Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society

The Society will use the USADF grant to acquire milling equipment and transport vehicles, recruit professional management staff, and establish a revolving credit fund for production inputs.





Kpatawee Community Development Association


The Community Development Association assists communities in the Kpatawee clan of Bong County with the planning and implementation of high priority  local development initiatives.  The Association will use the USADF grant to acquire training in management and governance, and to develop income-generating activities around the local waterfalls.





Sharpe Home Care Services (SHOCAS)


The USADF grant will finance a revolving loan fund and financial management training for a local nonprofit that provides services to women affected by the war.




CA = See Cooperative Agreement for Details

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Last Updated: January 5, 2009