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College Education Loans

There are many individuals like myself who attend four year college on college loans only to find that their vocational and occupational goal closed out, modified or was out sourced to another country.  In the continual struggle to search for employment many of us are locked into the educational loans and cannot pay back the loans based upon the earnings negative the professional salary that would have been earned if the occupation had not changed. Many like myself will not get into the Professional arena of earning 40 to 50.000 a year. There is only one choice and that is to pursue a Master's Degree but at additional cost in aquiring more student loans and running the gamut of unemployment possibilities. There should be a redemption program where individuals can pay down their student loans by working for a government domestic program, or a series of programs, that could possibly lead to full time or part time employemnt. Individuals should also be allowed to convert their student loan for a small start up sum for a small business or another form of loan availible to them should the end result be that they never find employment based on the education they recieved at University level and the only employment left to them is self-employment. The contrasting argument would be, "just get a job", but many have done that only to be negative the opportunity that they would have had in earnings at a greater sum based upon the skills they aquired through their education. In concern also is that the creditor will continue to charge interest and report late payments or no payments therefore damaging the individuals opportunity to achieve a economic loan for start up funds for a small business. Unfortunately I would offer that I earned a Bachelors Degree and applied at McDonalds and was turned down because I was over qualified for the position.
0 Comments  »  Posted by StandforJustice on 1/13/2009 5:45 PM
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