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All Americans Unite in our Darkest hour

I have worked up a budget bill that will guarantee that this country will not have to bailout any financial institutuions but it will bailout the unemployed. I will be present my bill in a day or two to my local congress and senate reprensative and hopefull it will be forward to President Barrack Obama to review and pass. He might think it will need tweeking which it might but it will benefit all working and unemployed americans in years to come. The bill i am proposing is a secret only because i do not want someone to steal my idea  Remember President Kennedy, Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. In somewhat at that time it was true but not now. We must do everything to ensure our survival as working and unemployed americans as we unite under a new president. The new phase shoud be: We the people to whom are united in the United States of America has called upon ourselves in all likes and forms to unite in to the survival of our country to protect current and future generations to come.

In seven days, the torch will be passed and the torch will always flickered as long we stand togeather and not defeat ourselves with self greed. To all whom who will read this blog. I called upon all americans on the day President Obama is sworned in: When night falls upon our nation regardless what time zone we are in. We should all light up a candle or shine a flashlight into the sky to show the world once again that we are united so that when all foreign satellites are passing over the United States on the night President Obama accepts. The world will know that the United States will be the light for Freedom and Peace.

God Bless President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, and Secretary of state Hillary Clinton

0 Comments  »  Posted by wolfman75 to Economy on 1/13/2009 5:50 PM

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