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Ideas community for the Citizen's Brefing Book.
  • 10
    What job will cause a long term boost in economy?

    Nationally funded  ER rooms with allowances for non long trained AMA personal would provide long term new jobs that would boost economy, provide low cost competition to ridiculously overpriced current helathcare system and be a start to a national health care system.

    Such a system would provide long term higher paying skilled jobs with new healthcare workers that would carry the economy for years. So healthcare then is not a long term negative but a positive.
    You don't need doctors trained for years to do most things. Other nations have proven this.They use one specialist with only 6 months dedicated training in sutures, one in broken bones etc. overseen by one General practiioner. This dramatically lowers the cost of helathcare too and provides BETTER expertise than GP's.

    0 Comments »   Posted by Fitch to Economy, Health Care, Service, Technology on 1/13/2009 6:08 PM
  • -10
    We should create a new kind of stimulus package.  This package will include jobs and funding, to restore old run-down properties, hillsides, roadsides, and front yards to highly producitve organic forest gardens,  that require no effort to maintain.    Reduce carbon in the atmosphere by planting forests of food.   All plant matter is made up primarily of carbon, thus more carbon shaped as plants, less in the atmophere.  Plants starts, seeds, and trees are cheep.  Many people know permiculture and forest gardens extensively.      This creates jobs.  This is the time to start planting.  It can be started now and create jobs now.  This will also have a positive affect on the nation long term.

    I see this easily creating jobs, and help many people that could possibly not have access to food now, not to mention these uncertain times.   A one time planting, and virturally no matainance we could have mountains of fresh food growing everywhere.    This could difuse civil unrest.  Historically hungry people cause riots.   This is an easy way to ensure food for our nation, and arround the world.   If everyone has a house to live in a food; People will then be able to handle these chalangeing times.

    This will also be the example of how to eat healthly, farming for ganerations to come.  The peace corps could take these ideas and go arround the world provideing a way for everyeone to grow their own abundance of food.  

  • 10
    Let voters in this forum to continually rank their top 10 favorite ideas.   Give each idea that's ranked in a top 10 a point value for it's rank.  10 point, 9 points, 8 points, etc.  This will show which ideas are truly seen as the best and most urgent of the bunch.
  • -20
    We should have better green homes like eco container homes that should be movable.
    But that can't happen becuase local zoning laws are too restrictive and prohibit non traditional construction homes and in many cases homes that aren't tied to the local utility grid. .
    However in order to spur satellite TV the federal government made laws superseeding local laws so any homeowner could put up their satelitte dish and it worked. The satellite tv industry florished.

    We need to do the same with movable eco freindlly homes that get their own electricity from solar and if possible are utility connection free.

    These homes are built from shipping container like structures and are beautiful and if they meet certain federal guidlines for safety and appearance should be deployable in any community with local ordinances overwridden. This would create a huge new housing market and industry and house miilions in efficient movable structures.

    We must superseed local zoning to allow movable homes with off grid energy and water provisions.
  • -10
    Economic wealth will come from intellectual property rights.
    Reagan changed our patent system to make it "financially self sufficient" by raisign patent fees. This was a mistake.
    That is like taxing seed corn. You don't want to tax seed. You want seed to be free and then tax the produce.
    The same with patents.
    US citizens should be able to apply for patents for free with assistance from the US patent office. (now patents are a ta minimum $200 each and most inventors have many ideas so $200 is expensive.

    We need to encourage all citizens to register their patentable ideas.

    It only takes one good patent to revolutionize an economy and produce billions in new economic growth. right now most invnetors are forced to sit on their ideas becuase of patent application costs.

    It's incredibly stupid to cause inventors to never move forward on their ideas just balance the small budget of a minor administrative office.

    Our patent system for us companies paying us taxes and us citizens should be free.

    1 Comment »   Posted by Fitch to Technology on 1/13/2009 5:54 PM
  • -40
    Drain inlets are wide open. There is no flow control. A solution exists to solve the problems associated with unchecked inlets. 

    December 04, 2008

    TO: OBAMA ECONOMIC/HOMELAND/ENVIROMENTAL TEAM                                                                                      

    TOPIC:   A Ready to go Storm drain Inlet flow control device and street cleaning update.

    FOR:      Wet Weather Management & Infrastructure Compliance Program.

        Drain Inlet Redesign Protects Subterranean Sewer Pipes from Damage and Improves Water Quality.
    EXPOSURES TO THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:     - Regulations on storm system use (NPDES, SPCC, Critical Infrastructure - HSPD 7)

        - Illegal discharge to open storm sewer

        - Design liability, gravity system, max capacity; 90%.

        - Protect against intentional misuse, terrorist opportunity (per HSPD 7) = system damage.

        A simple, effective, and economical storm water management program developed around a patented inlet design.
        This paper describes a whole system approach for improving water quality and protecting sewer infrastructure from accidental or intention damage or illegal uses. The pollution prevention program centers around an inlet designed to meter flows into a regulated sewer system. What is being described is an innovative pollution prevention program which combines known concepts and proven methods to achieve multi-level,  environmental and subterranean drainage infrastructure compliance.
         Understand this inlet design allows for an alternative surface management process; plug, pump, reuse of water. The practice of washing surface is possible with this patentedly superior flow controlling inlet. Washing surfaces needs to insure runoff and surface drainage entering the storm system is controlled to the maximum extent practicable, economically. The prescribed process uses said inlet design as an insitu and exsitu system, simplifying the cleaning of drainage area(s). The inlet design and preemptive cleaning program insures surface pollutants are controlled onsite using a limited amount of water. Colson's prescribed management practice is effective and appropriate as compared to sweeping and other treatment controls to mitigate polluted runoff.
        Colson's inlet design and management procedure provides a way to integrate infiltration concepts, control any flow, and addresses non-point pollution with true prevention by reusing water to clean surfaces in a controlled manner.

        DESIGN:  Scaleable inlet drain meter.
        MODE OF ACTION: Oil-water-grit separator with screening capacity.
        PROVEN METHOD: Passive and active flow control.
        SUSTAINABLE DESIGN: Redirects to sheet flow, onsite water banking and rain garden systems.
        SIMPLIFIES COMPLIANCE: Pollution prevention activities are adjusted to meet changing site conditions.
        EASILY INTEGRATES: Combines treatment train -w- Zero discharge landscaping designs.
        APPLICATIONS: Excellent for pre & post construction, and redevelopment uses.

    BENEFITS OF "PRE-EVENT CLEANING", (PLUG PUMP AND REUSE)     - FIrst-flush pollutant load is reduced measurably.
         - Resources maximized.  Water is used and reused to manage cleaning and control of surface pollutants.
          - Standardizes measurement of pollution prevention to natural event pollution control.
          - Onsite control of fugitive airborne materials.


        Washing surfaces with water is the most effective, dust-free means of cleaning. Preventing wash water from entering the storm system is a requirement of cleaning with water, hence the need for an inlet design that controls flow at the inlet. The proposed solution exceeds the need to protect the storm systems design and permitted use by controlling flow, resulting in onsite detention.
        Colson's patented system and management procedure enables effective and efficient surface pollutant control, measurably and repeatedly.  Each inlet decentralizes the problem areas effect, the area that inlet services can be managed and monitored more easily for pollution source residue. This process of tracking program effectiveness is known as an environmental management system (EMS).
        Colson developed this method as an integrated restructuring of archaeic public works programs and duplicative administration of these mandated programs. Colson's program will reduce unnecessary and expensive street cleaning practices and educational programs which have no measure for pollution prevention.


        Pollution prevention is the first step required by law. Installing Colson's patented inlet utility systemwide, will insure the storm drainage system has a basic means of controlling flow and a means to prevent and track pollution prevention. Colson's program negates the unfunded mandate argument posed by opponents of the NPDES. Colsons program provides a needed solution for drainage infrastructure from overload and misuse.


  • 50
    Anyone that reads the books and studies the course material could take proctored tests and pass the courses on their own free of charge.  No professors, dorm rooms, text books, classrooms, student loans required.  We could call it the University Home Schooling program.
    5 Comments »   Posted by JimBO to Education, Technology on 1/13/2009 5:06 PM
  • 200
    Start a program scanning the library of congress into an online library where it can be accessed for free.  It would make it so much easier and cheaper for public/ school libraries to offer the people they serve quality access to knowledge.  Going hand in hand with the plan already in place to drastically expand broadband lines and invest in 21st century schools, this would do much to improve American education while making it more cost effective.  It would also save money and the enviornement by reducing the amount of paper purchased by the government when stocking multiple libraries with the same books.
  • 30
    Once again you have front loaded the voting results by allowing voting directly from the list of most popular entries.  The results being so biased against later entries that the resulting rankings are completely unreliable as an indicator of which topics are actually most important to participants much less to the American public.  To achieve a more accurate vote, up or down voting on the lists should not be allowed.  Voting should be only on questions randomly selected from all entries, a minimum number of votes should be cast (perhaps 100) before an entry is placed on the most popular list, and rankings should be on the percentage of up/down votes.  Hopefully you will be able to emplement changes such as these and produce a more representative picture of America's concerns.  Other than that, what you've been doing is really super, thanks!
  • -40
    I have an easy to implement green solution that will result in long term employment stewarding the land from invasive weeds and fire prone vegetation. Question is how to expand in public-private fashion to set model for nation and world. This technology is simple, readily avaialble, effective, and green.
    People can be working tomorrow to prevent fires this summer.
    See upcoming event on MLK day.

    Cameron Colson, Inventor

    Email me at

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