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Ideas community for the Citizen's Brefing Book.
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    Uncouple ALL technology infrastrucutre (Cable, phone, wireless) from the content provided on that network.  This is network neutrality in the exterme, but what it means is that while one company owned the cable run to your home, you could get service from any provider and the same goes for cell phones. 

    This would be similar to the deregulation of phone service, but applied to both cable and wireless (cellular) networks. 

    This would allow you, the consumer, for example to pick a content provider for your cable that offered channels a la carte!  No more pricing tiers and bundles of garbage you don't want.  It would allow you to take your wireless phone to a different service provider at a whim, you'd still use the same phsyical network of towers but customer service and billing and services would be handled by a different company of your choice. 

    0 Comments »   Posted by jb510 on 1/13/2009 5:56 PM
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    I am extremely dismayed to read that dismissed CEOs of banks receiving bailout money have walked away with a great deal of income.

    The banks they led are now coming to the citizen's of this country for help.  When the forclosures first started these leaders had an opportunity to review the situation and put in a correction, instead they walked away richer.  This to me is tatamount to white collar crime.  They indirectly fleeced the American public and got away with it. 

    As a private citizen, if I couldn't hold my own, I would face the consequences.  These people ripped off the public and got away with it.
    0 Comments »   Posted by Arborrose65 on 1/13/2009 5:55 PM
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    Economic wealth will come from intellectual property rights.
    Reagan changed our patent system to make it "financially self sufficient" by raisign patent fees. This was a mistake.
    That is like taxing seed corn. You don't want to tax seed. You want seed to be free and then tax the produce.
    The same with patents.
    US citizens should be able to apply for patents for free with assistance from the US patent office. (now patents are a ta minimum $200 each and most inventors have many ideas so $200 is expensive.

    We need to encourage all citizens to register their patentable ideas.

    It only takes one good patent to revolutionize an economy and produce billions in new economic growth. right now most invnetors are forced to sit on their ideas becuase of patent application costs.

    It's incredibly stupid to cause inventors to never move forward on their ideas just balance the small budget of a minor administrative office.

    Our patent system for us companies paying us taxes and us citizens should be free.

    0 Comments »   Posted by Fitch to Technology on 1/13/2009 5:54 PM
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    Dear President Elect Obama,

    I implore you to issue an executive order outlawing all forms of torture.
    We have at our disposal measures which are legal not only within the United States but within international treaties. Water-boarding is a method of torture. Failure to distance your administration from the past practices of the Bush administration would make your administration and the American people guilty of War crimes just as Bush and Cheny may be found guilty if tried before an international tribunal.

    Sincerely and Respectfully      John and Amanda Ball
    0 Comments »   Posted by j.r. on 1/13/2009 5:53 PM
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    We won't end the drug cartels by leagalizing hemp, but we will surely put a damper in their efforts.  By legalizing pot, we free up a lot of wasted money to go after the meth and heroin distribution system.
    We can also then legaly investigate the many current uses for hemp.
    0 Comments »   Posted by profjimnord on 1/13/2009 5:53 PM
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    First point: Lifetime appointments for Supreme Court Justices is a policy that  should be reviewed.  The founding fathers never expected Supreme Court Justices to live into their nineties.
    Second point: We seem to live in a society where people think they can do whatever they want, that anything is OK, if they can get away with it.  That's true for people who drive 30 mph over the speed limit; that's true for kids who cheat on tests, and it's true for Presidents and Vice Presidents who commit war crimes. It's astonishing to me how much damage the Bush administration has done to this country in such a relatively short period of time. Their crimes are much more than matters of poor judgement, irresponsibility, and failed policies. They have lied, cheated, and broken laws to carry out their own agendas regardless of ethics, morality or legality. Bush and Cheney spent eight years doing whatever they thought best, regardless of the harm done to Americans here at home and the harm done to the US abroad. They have freely, and proudly, admitted that they authorized torture. Not to investigate and prosecute them for committing war crimes is an injustice to to other countries and it's an injustice to us. We cannot put ourselves in the position of continuing a policy, as a nation in the world community, of doing whatever we please. Not to hold Bush and Cheney accountable for the crimes they have committed sends a message to the rest of the world that the U.S. is, even after the Bush administration, a law unto itself. That the rules don't apply to us. We can't expect the respect and trust of the rest of the world if we don't do the right thing by showing that we know the unforgiveable has been done and that we will not stand for it. And we need to show ourselves, especially our kids, that the rules apply to everybody. That being rich or powerful does not give anybody a pass to ignore the law. That there are repercussions. That they will be held accountable.  If the law doesn't apply to everybody equally, what does that say about our democracy?
    0 Comments »   Posted by newklot on 1/13/2009 5:53 PM
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    What would happen if all taxes collected in a one year period were actually kept in the U.S.A. for the benefit of America and its citizens and not handed out to the various countries like we currently do.  Hard workng Americans are being taxed to death. I don't mind paying taxes for road repair, for a superior military or for the welfare of Americans but I do mind my hard earned money being given to other countries, especially countries that hate Americans.  Why can't the oil in Iraq pay America back for all we have invested there.  Why are American tax dollars used to build a school in Iraq when they're making billions in oil profits.  Why are American tax dollars being used to force our culture and way of life on other countries such as in women issues.  I don't agree with how the middle east reats women but American taxes shouldn't be spent to change their ways. 
    One year, let's keep all colleted taxes in this country, pay down the ridiculous debt our nation has, and improve our infrastructure and our military.  Why can't we?
    0 Comments »   Posted by concerned citizen2 on 1/13/2009 5:52 PM
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    Many well off families give their children an 'allowance' for doing chores or getting good grades. This instills a work ethic at a very young age and gives the child a chance to enjoy the fruits of labor. What better way to teach children about money than with money? If we give students a small amount of money for their grades, I suspect that many would not only excel in school but would also have more experience handling money upon graduation.

    0 Comments »   Posted by MathMagic on 1/13/2009 5:51 PM
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    Idea 1,
    Make the broard band monthly fee tax deductible, that will increase the usage of online service and speed up the migration to e-everything.

    Idea 2,
    Make 1 network enabled PC purchase tax deductible per house hold. That can stimulate the house hold spending, spread the usage of internet, and give incentive to companies improve their service and productivities by going on line.
    0 Comments »   Posted by joel to Economy on 1/13/2009 5:51 PM
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    since people are not expending enough to help our businesses, I think that If we can make all taxes that we pay partly tax deductable.  For example, if we pay $500.00 in sales taxes, then $250.00 can be tax deductable.

    Everyone who pays for any helth insurance should be able to deduct that expence (even if only a portion)

    No CCO can make more than 2 millions in excess to their yearly salary.

    Interest paid for beig purchaces, such as a car or boat can make that interest tax deductable.

    cut the middle man (insurance companies) from health care. 

    0 Comments »   Posted by cari on 1/13/2009 5:50 PM
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