OGE Seal  

U.S. Office of Government Ethics

Seeking and Post-Employment  Employee Crossword Puzzle

TIP: Be sure the clue you want to solve on the crossword puzzle grid is highlighted and shaded before you type in the letters. For an explanation of the answers, click on the links in the clues located beneath the crossword puzzle.

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3. Looking for a job outside the government?  Read the __________ employment part of the Standards of Conduct first
5. You are seeking employment even if you ______ discussions until you finish the project that affects a potential employer
7. The length of post-employment restrictions may be __________, two years, or one year, depending on what you worked on while with the government
10. Requesting this does not mean you are seeking employment: 2 words
11. Generally, if your project could affect a prospective employer, then you may need to stop _______ on that project
12. Unless your job duties affect the _________ interests of a prospective employer, the seeking employment rules do not apply



1. Your government ______ are a primary factor in determining when post-employment rules restrict your employment rules do not apply communications to and appearances before the government
2. The post-employment law places restrictions on _____ government employees
4. A common misconception about the post-employment law is that it restricts which _________ you work for
6. When you have not heard back in ____ months after sending a job application, you are no longer seeking employment
8. Successful job hunting may lead to post- ___________ restrictions
9. Representing _______ before the government after leaving government employment is generally ok









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